Struggling to simplify your writing? Look no further than Homer.
Homer is a free command line tool that analyzes your writing and offers suggestions on your structure, word difficulty, and more. Homer is open-source and freely available on Github.
Hey Product Hunt People,
Good to be around a like-minded community. I like to make things, but this is my first post here :)
Homer helps you simplify your writing by giving you feedback on your paragraphs, sentences, and words. I use it to analyze my work emails, essays, and blogs, and it’s proven a useful tool. I use Homer less as a strict guide and more as a helpful one. In other words, sometimes I choose not to heed Homer’s advice, but mostly I do.
Homer’s open-source software is written in Python. For now, you can use it only on the command line. In the future, I hope to publish a web-based version soon as well.
I hope you’ll give it a try!
And if you do, I’d welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. I’m always eager to chat.
Thank you!
Can't wait to use this - as a writer myself, I often wish for something that can show me exactly where my writing is falling flat. Thank you for making this!
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