Bojan Savikj

Holo - Leave a message at a certain location and share it


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Hi Guys, We launched Holo, after many failed attempts in getting our concept right. Our vision with holo is to provide relevant information let it be messages from friends, reminders at work, love note at school for your loved ones, deals and offers from your favourite stores, boarding pass at the airport all provided to you as a notification at the right time and the right location. We hope to provide the best location triggered information for people. We also hope to build ourselves as an Ai platform and provide access to SDKs in the future for developers to take advantage of location triggered notifications. Let us know what you think about Holo.
Bojan Savikj
@manojadithya Hi, since I really loved the app, I just want to ask you how do you plan to attract businesses to advertise without using app users?
Eli Weiss
@manojadithya Hi, Nice concept, How do you plan to compete with @swarm / @foursquare ? If the main difference is personalized notes, It should't take much for them to compere??? unless I'm missing something here.
@eli_weiss Hi Eli, the main difference is information from multiple sources provided to the users at the right location, not just notes from friends but also information as notifications from restaurants, stores, publishers etc.
Eli Weiss
@manojadithya Thanks, Does Multiple sources include foursquare ?
@bojansavikj Well @producthunt is doing the job by helping us get the user base we need to talk to businesses.
David Feng
This is a really interesting idea even though the general sentiment that its application and usage is somewhat limited. I do, however, think this will be great for travel and tourism :) Have you looked into that? Maybe work with local tourism departments? @manojadithya
@davidsfeng Yeah we see this app as an endless opportunity where we Holo can notify users about boarding passes at their airport partnered with an airliner or getting a traffic update of a alternate route to and fro work or being notified about the history of monument with a small preview along with the prices to enter. All location specific.We strongly believe this and that's our future. We are talking to Disney parks, Dubai International Airport and Emirates about this.
Snap inc. had filed a patent for location based snaps few years back, but never utilized it. Best of luck, idea definitely has potential, will download and check out.
@jasan I'm super happy you see our vision. If you have contribution and want to give us any suggestion do email me at
Hey, brilliant work @manojadithya ! I am very intrigued by this concept and can't wait to try it out! It seems very intuitive and interesting. Best to you and the Holo team!
@3raxton Appreciate your good words! Since you're an UI designer let us know if you have any constructive criticism for our app design. We would love to hear from you.
Jacopo Lupi
Love this idea!
@jacopolupi Awesome, let us know how you like the UX of the app and if you have suggestions with UX let us know.
Carlos Herrera
I love this idea. I think there could be two main problems: 1) Adoption. I think not so many people will get the value of this kind of notes at first (just my idea, I have no data to prove it). 2) Spam. When the app has a large amount of users, there will be a lot of notes, messages, trolling, you name it. But over all, I find it very cool. I surely will use it.
@carlosherrera Adoption is a huge problem but once people get the idea what it's capable of it can get going. We working hard to make as simple as possible for people to understand Location triggered messages. To prevent spam we don't let users post public messages for now it's only to friends and people in their contacts. We soon intend to let verified users post public messages to people is specific locations. Thanks for letting us know what we should focusing on. 🚀
Jason Bell
@carlosherrera I also worry about a different kind of spam. If lots of people adopt, then to make money you'll have to annoy people with location based ads. I'd really have to love this to endure ads while I'm in a hurry at the store.
Anand Muthukrishnan
I find this idea pretty awesome. It's going to be really hard to convince my friends to use it. So I can leave messages at multiple locations and create a scavenger hunt!
@anand_muthukrishnan Oh yeah.. you can create a scavenger hunt. Thinking about proposing to your girlfriend? 😜
Stewart Rogers
Other than the issues listed in the comments (adoption, spam, etc.) my biggest issue is the lack of consistency in the app. It is called Holo, but it was clearly Hifi before (because the "verify your email" notice hasn't been changed to say Holo) and Hyde at some point (because the example messages on opening the app refer to that product). That lack of consistency, plus a server timeout on signing up, and a lack of any brands in my area, meant my Holo experience didn't last long, but I wish you luck.
@therealsjr Hi Stewart, we are super sorry that your experience didn't last long, but we are working towards improving the consistency of our branding. We'll make sure it's fixed. We are extremely sorry! We'll make sure it's up to your expectation. Thanks for the feedback.
Nicholas Woodhams

I would like this ability on my App which offers free action sports equipment and lessons


To curate offers based on location


People might think it creepy