A better way to create design briefs
Fernando Ifran
HolaBrief Beta — A better way to create design briefs

HolaBrief is an online tool that helps you to ask all the right questions and make any design brief easy, collaborative and most importantly, useful. Because you can’t solve a problem you don’t understand.

Fernando Ifran
We are so excited to introduce HolaBrief Beta: a better way to create design briefs. We want to change the perception that designers and clients have about the briefing process. We want to make design briefings more open and collaborative so that you can work together with your client from day one. That is why we are building HolaBrief. HolaBrief will help you to keep everyone on the same page. Encourage designers to develop more strategic thinking by asking better questions and really understanding the client’s business. We just launched the public beta phase and we are already getting super useful feedback from our users. It would be great to have yours! And if you have questions or just want to say hi, drop us a line. We are more than happy to start a nice conversation 😃
Travis Halff

UI is beautiful and makes answering what could be seen as dry questions to some clients very fun and engaging.


Simplifies the creative brief process, while encouraging clients to answer questions that they might not have thought of before.


Lots of ways it can grow and do even more— not really a con as much as a goal.

Fernando Ifran
Thanks Travis! Really really happy to hear that 😃