Ado Kukic

ocus - Share what matters most, only one update a day


ocus is a social media app where you can post only once per day. Social media typically encourages you to be loud and post often. With everyone posting every thought they have, it's easy for important messages to go unseen. Ocus aims to fix this.

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Ado Kukic
ocus is a project to retake social media. Rather than posting every random thought into an endless sea, the idea of ocus is to focus on sharing one important update per day. The posts shown on your feed are displayed in chronological order always and there is no public likes or analytics.
Sinwan Maryam Zahid
Other than something going unseen, lately I've found myself overwhelmed with way too much information everywhere. And this feels more like my pace. It may give people a chance to reflect a little more on what they want to share - and hopefully it'll be more valuable.
Ado Kukic
@sinwanzahid_ exactly the idea. Social media can be overwhelming and this app aims to slow things down a bit.
Weronika Spaleniak
Great idea! I wonder how many users it will get in some time. Can you share what's your MAU right now? Good luck!
Ado Kukic
@weronika_spaleniak Hey Weronika - just launched last night so the user count is very small at the moment. Less than 100 active users. But we'll see how it grows over time :)
Deepak Yadav
Life is full of options and noise. Ocus fixed those noises and echos. I wonder how far Ocus will go, Ocus here to stay? I wish it will, we need something that's so simple to its core and fixes this social media. ⚡️⚡️ Best of luck to the whole team and yeah work on user interface, it will help in new signups.
Ado Kukic
@worklab Thanks Deepak!