@nmatares our developer was actually chatting with them last week. We drew inspiration from a handful of our favorite music apps. Its purpose and function, however, is nothing similar to NP. Looking forward to your thoughts after playing around with the app.
My name is Alex, and I'm the designer and developer of the Noon Pacific app. I understand you wanted to make an app quickly, however recycling our design without any credit is a problem. A lot of time and research went into creating our app, and we're very proud of it.
If you want to steal our design, at least do it whole-heartedly.
@alexpacific_ Hi Alex! 👋 We love the design of Noon Pacific and understand the amount of work that went into it. We also looked at other similar apps for inspiration and by no means did we intend to copy anyone. As mentioned, our biggest focus here is to help unknown artists and we’ve found that the current UX/UI of Hive is the best way to do so. The functions of our two apps are different and we each help artists in two different ways. Feel free to reach out if you would like to continue the conversation! Have a great day! 🙌
👋 Hi everyone! 👋 My name is Andrew Savitz and I'm a co-founder and the CEO of Hive. This is our first time on PH and we're stoked to be here! Thanks @henkholveck for hunting us!
We built this product to help give every new and small artist an equal chance to get heard so they can start earning a living doing what they love - making music. The concept is pretty simple, we let artists and listeners post songs from their favorite, new bands. Our users swipe through a 30 second clip of each song to build a playlist that lets them listen to the full songs and connect with the artists on Facebook and Twitter. Then we connect the best performing artists each week to record labels to help them get signed and jumpstart their career.
Comment at me if you have any questions, suggestions, or good song recommendations 🤘
@bentossell like I mentioned to @nmatares - we drew inspiration from a handful of our favorite music apps. Its purpose and function, however, is nothing similar to NP. Thanks!
I never heard of Noon Pacific, but it's a pretty dope app. I love that concept. And Hive's home screen is almost identical in design, but I feel like they're totally different apps. It's certainly no instagram move.
@emelloul thanks for the kind words and sharing @settonsamuel 's music. Dancing to it in the office now 💃🏽 I'm going to post it to Hive in a hot second! Is he signed to a label yet?
@emelloul thanks for the mention here. @savitzaw woah I LOVE THIS. Both from the perspective of a music lover and an artist. How exactly do you connect the artist with the labels?
@olilem5 Thank you! 🙏 We built this after one of our co-founders @erikcreates realized how difficult it is to get the word out about something awesome when you're just getting started. Without a bunch of money, connections, and time it's hard to promote effectively. So we created something to help new musicians focus on creating the best music possible, while we handle distribution and connections for them!
Tried both this and Noon Pacific and while the apps seem nice (though very similar as others have pointed out), it's showing too much pop/hip hop for my taste. I still prefer something like StereoFox to discover more alternative, indie, post rock and such music – https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Hive 2.0
Noon Pacific for iOS 4.0
Hive 2.0
Noon Pacific for iOS 4.0
Hive 2.0
Hive 2.0
Hive 2.0
Spectacle Racers
Hive 2.0
Room Racer AR
Hive 2.0
Hive 2.0
Hive 2.0