Zach Kahn

Hillary 2016 - Hillary Clinton's new app to defeat Donald Trump

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John Alexander
Does it delete itself secretly without you knowing?!
Tony Ana
@johnalxndr this one is the best
Niv Dror
2016: The year when presidential candidates make apps
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@nivo0o0 did they not get the memo about bots?!
Clinton is corrupt. Vote third party.
@douglance so trump can win? Clever you.
Andrei Oprisan
@douglance If you vote third party, you're handing Trump the presidency. That's too high a price to pay, given the racism and xenophobia that he promotes, as well as the anti-LGBT and anti woman choice platform of the GOP (
@andreioprisan I'm an independent, and I voted for the Green Party last election but rationality and truth are two of my values so I want to clarify: Trump was pro-gay before Hillary(His recent support of the community:
). Trump hired the first woman to oversee building a skyscraper in 1980. Trump is married to an immigrant. "Mexican" is not a race, Trump isn't against Mexicans. He is against illegal immigration and criminals. He is pro law and order. I think you're letting the media think for you a little too much. Look at the data yourself, instead of letting some kid at the NYT or whichever biased media outlet think for you.
Andrei Oprisan
@douglance Despite your independent claims, you're letting the Trump campaign think for you too much. Trump's Mexican claims have been fact checked ad nauseum, and he very much is against Mexicans, when claiming that most are rapist and murderers, while "some, I assume, are good people." ( Additionally, his claims about a hispanic federal judge give us more insight into how he thinks (, and even the leader of the GOP Paul Ryan called his comments "the definition of racism" ( I could go on and do your research for you, but that would take all day. Feel free to use your own critical thinking skills and fact check your candidate before making claims that you're not supporting a racist and xenophobic candidate.
Rotem Yakir
Rotem Yakir
@andym_dc Well Andrew, I find myself thinking few minutes about what to write since I don't want to start a political debate here. First I have to start with the fact that it doesn't really matter what I think since I'm not from the US. But If I were I would definitely vote for the democratic primary. Having said that, I'm from Israel and the last democratic president choose to favour the very government that want to obliterate us so if I had a choice I would rather to have a leader of the free world that feels like Israel is US biggest friend. * sorry for the long reply
Andrew Mutavdzija
@rotemthegolfer Damn. In the interest of keeping ProductHunt about products, I'll refrain from going any further than saying I disagree with the characterization contained in the words following "I'm from Israel..." :)
Rotem Yakir
@andym_dc I agree about keeping ProductHunt about products :) Anyway, you are more than welcome to talk to me by email, :)
Stephen M. Levinson
@andym_dc @rotemthegolfer You hope this is sarcasm? Why?
Glenn Berkshier
For crying out loud.... can we please keep politics out of Product Hunt? PLEASE? This is the last place I want to see discord between candidates and their supporters. There are so few places left online to go to and discuss what makes the world great, and it ain't the politicians.
@grberk I agree, PH has become somewhere I stopped visiting daily because of all the political back-and-forth. I really just want to see good tech hunts! Every post about politics descends into a pit of name-calling and rhetoric. Maybe I'll start of product that keeps politics out of PH and someone can hunt it!
Andrew Mutavdzija
@fbara @grberk Oh, the horror of having to face reality. If it's political, refrain from clicking the link and your conundrum magically disappears.
Andrei Oprisan
@andym_dc @fbara @grberk Seriously, God forbid that we face reality and have to answer to facts. @fbara is the same guy who keep posting on a Melania Trump Chrome extension thread ( as well, citing that there was no plagiarism and that other politicans do it too! I even volunteered to build a competing app instead if that was truly the case and if Hillary had indeed plagiarized as he claimed, and of course he never came back with any actual facts, but he continues to complain about anything political that does not support Trump. Sad!
Andrew Mutavdzija
@andreioprisan @fbara @grberk LOL you're telling me he's not even sincere, but rather shrouding his Trump support in complaining about political apps on PH? Hahahaha.Honestly, that has Trump supporter written all over it, I should've caught that.
Glenn Berkshier
@andym_dc @andreioprisan @fbara @rrhoover Seriously guys... I'm not interested in being dragged through this. I didn't post my first comment to start a flame war in here. I don't have any desire to be included in the replies you've had back in forth. Leave me out of the replies, please or start a new thread. I simply voiced my concern about politics being brought into a place that I enjoyed visiting each day for tech and new products. Now it's being ruined by this conflict.
Kevin Reape
Random thought here - would be fun to start a "downvote" feature on Product Hunt today.
Andrei Oprisan
@kevinreape I doubt that's going to happen, as it's generally preferable to have good content rise up with upvotes instead of allowing negative voting rings to in essence censor good content.
Zach Kahn
The Clinton campaign just launched their very first app for iPhone. With it, you can take small actions everyday to engage with the campaign in an effort to defeat Donald Trump and make history this November. I've only gotten to play with it for a few minutes, but I really appreciate both its aesthetics and its mechanics. It makes grassroots lobbying feel like a cross between a fun, casual game and a small, daily exercise.
chris bell
How long until this is hacked too and all user data is leaked?
Ross Blankenship
Embarrassing that Product Hunt would feature such a partisan, non-sense, pathetic app. Time to focus on enhancing the site and staying out of politics and into the future of technology.
Andrei Oprisan
@rossblankenship an app published by a political campaign is by definition partisan. If the Trump campaign released one, I'm sure you could also submit it and get it featured. In this political season, the stakes couldn't be higher, and tech is one of the most democratic tools that we have at our disposal spreading information and awareness. I doubt that's going to decrease. How about you let the PH team worry about their roadmap and you keep working on your "Angel Kings Investment Group is ranked #1 for startup investing" courses that's straight out of a Trump University nightmare..
Erik Anderson
This is her trying to get more of the "young" vote by attempting to appear tech-savvy. It's a poor attempt at that.
Hari Jeevakumar
@erik_anderson1 she is a "whatever it takes" candidate. Did you heard her Pokemon GO joke? Lol. She looks & sounds desperate now. Following from Australia, I think Donald Trump will win. He's taken so many hits from democrats, the media, Republicans, cash-strapped donors and Silicon Valley, yet is still standing and powering through.
Andrew Mutavdzija
@erik_anderson1 Please elaborate on how it is a poor attempt.
Andrei Oprisan
@erik_anderson1 are you saying that only the "young" use apps or apps like this one? When you say this is a poor attempt at "appearing to be tech-savvy," what is this in relation to? What does a good attempt at being tech-savvy look like, in the political campaign context? What other campaigns even have such apps? And would you be saying the same about the Trump Campaign if they had a campaign app?
Andrei Oprisan
@hazzajay I think most Americans won't vote for an candidate openly promoting a xenophobic and racist agenda. Clearly that platform resonates with a lot of Americans, and we still have a lot to do on the educational front to built a more inclusive and tolerant country, but we're getting there. And soon, due to minority growth and displacement of white Republican voters (, this type of hateful campaign will be a non-starter. But then again, that's just one immigrant turned US citizen's opinion.
Ryan Hoover
Every year, politics focused more on tech, building apps and "viral" experiences to compete for the vote. Last week, Hillary's campaign also launched Trump Yourself.
Michael Musgrove
Countdown until hacked: 10....9....8....7....6...... Johnson/Weld 2016!
Andrew Flynn
For a political candidates app, it's actually not too badly done!
Walid Ark
I bet that PUTIN is behind this app :D
Josh Robbins
I think this app is one of the coolest things I've seen in politics ever... In my humble opinion.
Cameron Banowsky
God help us all if she doesn't win
Can we stick to talking about the tech and not politics ...
Kumar Thangudu
Bosnians everywhere downloaded the app and gave it 8K negative reviews. O_O
Kirsten Thompson
The gamification, election calendar and factoids are a good combination. Interested to see what else is added.
jake duncan ☕️
That escalated... Never mind. It seems about right.