HelpTap enables you to get everyday tasks done on-demand by connecting with reliable experts and freelancers in real-time. Simply send your query or task via chat and get instantly connected to the right person who can get the work done.
HelpTap supports any kind of service be it personal, professional, daily chores, business oriented or any other. Sample tasks you can get assistance with:
- Researching web for information or data
- Creating spreadsheets & presentations
- Maintaining to-do lists
- Writing content or blogs
- Data processing
- Managing emails and social media accounts
- Shopping, booking and ordering
- Project or team admin
- Website and logo designing
- Translation and transcription
- Technical advice
- General freelancing activities & more.
@kwdinc Thanks Kevin for hunting HelpTap - really looking forward to hearing suggestions and feedback from the community. Would be happy to answer any questions :)
@abh1manyu Another major issue is that certain assistants might leave tasks in an "ongoing" status and only provide the work when you request results, so we are forced to check in with assistants every few minutes just to make sure they are still busy with the task
What I love most about HelpTap is it solves a real pain point! Interesting take on finding experts within seconds to assist on different tasks.
I haven't even fully delved into the functionality yet but so far I'm very impressed! The presentation / experience of it is very easy to understand.
This is really cool! but i think misses some points:
- as user in need of help the idea of simple post what do i need i think it’s not enough, we should be able to see experts profiles,
- have some kind of forum with different levels of permissions depending in your general contribution.
- Having some kind of info about who is helping in what (detailed or not detailed), and what was the end result of the help provided.
I’m looking forward to see the expert’s point of view, and be able to check the other accessible tools.
Keep working!
@jrdbacosta Thanks for sharing your thoughts Joao - really useful suggestions/feedback. Good news is we're already working on addressing some of them in the next update!
Sounds like a pretty interesting concept. How are you guys ensuring the right match with experts? Some sort of AI?
Btw...first impression is pretty cool. Loved the simplistic and intuitive layout.
@da_v_k Hey David, we're building an AI/NLP layer on the platform to fetch relevant skills from a query/task and direct it to most suited experts available :)
@liora_ Thanks for checking it out Liora and glad you liked the UI :) We did spend a lot of time thinking through the finer details, hope the community likes it too!
I just tried it to get some marketing messages for my app to be used on IG posts.
Got help really quickly and I'm very happy with the result.
Love the scaled down UI too.
I had problems leaving feedback though. I couldn't write in the feedback inputfield, it was hidden by the keyboard (using iPhone 5s and iOS 9.2.1).
@mikaellowgren Hey Mikael - you just made our day! Thanks for your feedback and glad your experience was smooth :) Will work on improving the feedback input field in the next version.
Been using HelpTap for a handful of months for small projects here and there. Lauren has helped me with all of them (some research, some data entry work) and has been incredible to work with. Definitely a saving grace when the work is piled up and I need to offload some stuff.
I tried using it but the user flow is so broken I gave up. So many dead end screens and broken buttons. LinkedIn login goes to nothing apparently. Buttons randomly become inactive. I almost want to submit a help request for an expert on how to use Helptap to explain where my chat disappeared to
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