Bob Stolk

Hello Ivy - Project management & team communication software


Hello Ivy is a shared workspace to manage all your projects and centralize team communication. It has all the tools your team needs to streamline your projects: docs, tasks, timelines, group chat, discussions, a week planner, files and much more!

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Bob Stolk
Hi Everyone! Excited to officially share our new project management tool with the Product Hunt community today: Hello Ivy! Hello Ivy is a shared workspace for your team to manage all your projects, centralize team communication and improve collaboration between teammates. It's intuitive and extremely easy to use, there is basically zero learning curve. Our vision is to create a more enjoyable and efficient way to manage your projects, all in one (beautiful and clean) place. We are well aware of the fact that the project management space is extremely crowded, however in our opinion most tools have too much unnecessary functionality which clutters the interface and makes them somewhat chaotic to use. We tried many tools ourselves and were never really satisfied with the workflows and ease-of-use. Eventually most of our team members would just stop using the tool until we got to a point where we needed another solution (again). This is one of the reasons we decided to start building our own tool, one that we could design ourselves from the ground up (trying to create something that works a little better). We tried to keep the interface as clutter-free as possible and offer a smooth user experience, while adding all the important and necessary PM tools. Project management, simplified! We hope you enjoy the product! Thanks! Bob
Gorka Bemer
@bobstolk2 congrats on the launch. Product looks great and seems to combine a lot of essential elements in a unprecedented and intuitive way. Will propose this to my team asap!
Bob Stolk
@gorka_bemer Thanks Gorka! Appreciate that. Hope it's a good match for you and your team!
Chris Bijnsdorp
Tried like a 100 (not exetturating) project management and to-do tools, but this one stole my heart. The functionalities (especially the week view is something that most pm tools don't have), the ux, and damn the slick design!
Bob Stolk
@chris_bijnsdorp1 Hi Chris, Wow! That's some great feedback, thanks! We're continuously improving the product so it should only get better from here onwards! 🥳
Lisa Würden
Super cool product, been working with Asana for the longest time with my team, and finally, there is a solution that actually convinced me to make the move. Don't get me wrong, Asana is such a super powerful product, but overwhelming and hard to find focus IMO. Getting myself and the team up to speed on the various features and get everyone in line was too time-consuming for us. With Hello Ivy things are clear, easy, and just as effective so far.
Bob Stolk
@lisa_wurden Thanks for the great feedback!! We're definitely not trying to over-complicate stuff but rather focus on an awesome, easy-to-use UX in combination with all the tools you need to get the job done.
Israt Jahan
It seems so good. Congrats on your launch.
Bob Stolk
@isratjahan17 Thanks Israt! Give it a try and let us know your feedback :)
Sonja Würden
Very interesting product. I will definitely introduce it to my team.
Bob Stolk
@sonja_wurden That's great! Hope you and your team will enjoy using hello ivy!
Mahin Makkhy
Such a good project management tool. Best of luck.
Bob Stolk
@mahin_makkhy Thanks Mahin!
Eric Hofer
Love the meeting notes!
Bob Stolk
@eric_hofer Thanks for the compliment Eric!
Grey G. Seymour
I have been using HelloIvy since long, long before this release... since it's earliest days, it has stood out to me as a noteworthy product. I particularly love their implementation of markdown sensitivity, and the aesthetic controls that one has around font, colors, etc. At the time, I was a diehard Pixel guy, so, I was really feeling the pain of not having great markdown sensitive note-taking/task mgmt. tools on my phone that I'd gotten used to using on my iPad Pro; enter: HelloIvy, which at the time was already available on Android. I have since largely converted much of my note taking to Minimal and Clover to be honest, in part due to switching to iPhone (Craft Docs is also a regular member of the lineup for me, as well - it's what my fiancée prefers using over anything else) and I find myself also using Slite more and more. Sounds like it's time for me to give HI another look and see how far they've come... expectations: high!
Bob Stolk
@graham_seymour Hi Graham, thanks for your comment! Appreciate it. You were indeed one of our earliest users when we were still largely a B2C focused (note-taking) company. Thanks for your long-time support! Means a lot. A while ago we changed to B2B and now mainly focus on Project Management and Team Communication for businesses. Hope you're going to like all the new additions! It's a totally different app now.
Robert Stolk
Have been using Hello Ivy for over a year. Having tried many other PM tools, the simplicity combined with the extensive functionality is absolutely unique. The ability to now collaborate with teams on this platform will make the tool even more effective!
Bob Stolk
@robert_stolk Thanks Ro! Good to hear that you're still a satisfied user :)
Shaheryar Khalid
There should be a free price plan for smaller teams of less than 5 people. It would serve as a good marketing and networking tool.
Bob Stolk
@shaheryar_khalid Something to think about indeed! Thanks for the feedback.
Shushant Lakhyani
A must-have tool for project managers! Congratulations on the launch!
Bob Stolk
@shushant_lakhyani Thanks Shushant!
Jules Pratt
Looks true to it's name - a workspace to get things done. Rather than a workspace to bundle in many features. I have seen many other Project Management softwares. This one I'm hearing this for the first time, but liking it for it's simplicity and that is it quite easy to use. Congratulations on the launch!
Bob Stolk
@jules_pratt Thanks Jules! Give it a try and let us know what you think :)
Ravi Sojitra
This looks absolutely stunning, great launch!
Bob Stolk
@ravisojitra Thanks Ravi!