JohnAnthony Eletto

Helio - Never miss the best sunsets

Helio allows you to forget all your worries when the sunset looks most magical. The easy-to-use app rates the quality of every sunset and sunrise, eliminating the guess work. All that’s left to do is watch the gift that Mother Nature gives us.

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Bring it to android!
JohnAnthony Eletto
Hi @edward1 -- Helio is now available on Android!
Simonyan Sam
add moon cycle ! :)
Charles Magnuson
@sam_simonyan But this app is for sunsets... There are a million and one other apps out there that already provide the moon cycle.
Charles Magnuson
This app is great! I've been using up until now. This app makes determining how good the sunset will be much more simple. However, I sure wish I could get notifications from this app when the sunset quality is at or above a certain level, say 75%. Having to check or this app every day can be a bother.
JohnAnthony Eletto
@magnuson Thanks for checking out the app! Notifications are actually on the roadmap. Hopefully we can get them out soon.
@johnanthony_eletto Any chance you'll bring to Android too? Theirs nothing quite like it.
JohnAnthony Eletto
@berri Thanks for showing interest in the app! It will be coming to Android in July. I’ll update you here when it’s out.
JohnAnthony Eletto
Hi @berri -- A bit later than expected, but Helio is now available on Android!
Jad Bourji
Definitely a notification above 75% like mentioned earlier.
JohnAnthony Eletto
@thisisjad Thanks for the feedback! Notifications are on the roadmap. Hopefully we can get them out soon.
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
Ooo I really like your design dude. Simple and clean ✨ Congrats on the launch!
JohnAnthony Eletto
@antdke Thank you! Thanks for checking out the app.
Yevhenii Peteliev
Wow! It's brilliant. I can't wait when I try it 🖤 Congratulations!
JohnAnthony Eletto
@peteliev Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to check it out.
Jad Bourji
What's the quality for? Quality of photos, going out, etc. Doesn't mention. A great future update could suggest what it's good for :) A dinner, picnic, beach, etc. Options are endless. Oh and please monetize this.
JohnAnthony Eletto
@thisisjad Good idea! That’s a question I get a lot. Quality is pretty much how colorful the sunset it. It takes a bunch of factors into it. Clarifying it in the app would be a good move.
Ashley H.
Love how minimal and beautiful this app is, the app icon is beautiful to look at on my home screen! Like the comments above, I'd love to receive notifications, but I'm also confused about what are the factors that constitute the "quality" of the sunset. It'd be good if there's time for dusk and dawn as well. :)
JohnAnthony Eletto
@liching_hoe Thanks for taking the time to check it out! Notifications are a great idea and they’re on the roadmap. You should see them pretty soon.