
Healthcare Information Systems - Health Information System is a digital health system


Sandrasoft introduces our healthcare information system. With this platform, we aim to reduce pressure on traditional paper works and improve doctor's efficiency in collecting clinical data during medical exams.

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Hello everyone! My name is Nicheal, and I am a Founder & Technical Solution Architect Sandrasoft Co, Ltd. On behalf of the team, I would like to introduce our novel Health Information System to the healthcare community. Let us take an overview of the application. The Industrial 4.0 revolution and the immense effect of the pandemic have forced many organizations to transform their works to the cloud with speed never recognized before. Various IT platforms are being emerged to help automate and optimize general daily tasks but yet require tremendous effort and investment to adopt. In the field of healthcare, most small to medium clinics or hospitals still manage their operations and medical records via paper works. IT platforms provided by big tech or government companies are both costly and outdated and therefore are impossible for them to reach. This condition leads most small to medium hospitals or clinics to suffer from time-wasting, inefficient management, and unproductive medical examination. Recognizing the demand for modern management software in the healthcare industry, Sandrasoft is proud to introduce our novel, web-based platform to help these corporates manage their patient profiles and clinical data effectively while still being affordable. We target not only on Vietnam market but also worldwide since the demand for this solution still existed even in most developed countries. Our first client in Vietnam, Cao Thang Eyecare hospital, has trusted, operated, and verified our platform throughout their entire clinical networks of 1 Class-B hospital and 4 satellite clinics in Ho Chi Minh city. Sandrasoft IT platform has reduced the pressure on their daily paper works when admitting patients, generated invoices automatically, improved efficiency in revenue reports, and brought ease to collecting and storing clinical data from the examination. For our next phase, we are actively seeking new opportunities to deploy the system into more hospitals and clinics and to receive valuable feedback from the community, both in Vietnam and globally. Our Health Information System consists of 3 principal modules: ✔️ 1. PAS - Patient Admission System Managing patient profiles Booking appointment Admit patient into EMR system Accepting payments, export invoices and payment receipts High performance and thorough Reporting system ✔️ 2. EMR - Electronic Medical Record Medical Forms for doctor to perform examination Data collection and Episode Manegemnt for each patients visits Scalable Archetype design to extend to different medical fields Medicine and Medication management system Patient Visits and Discharge Summary management ✔️ 3. HRM - Internal Admin System Management of hospital's Human resources Management of Branding and satlite Clinics Complete customization of available Medical Services Doctor Roster and Scheduling System ⚡ 4. AI Assisted Diagnosis System (beta) Dry Eye detection algorithm Fundus Lesion detection algorithm Analysis and Flow management => We also got an open version available for beta review at: => Attached below is a quick demo video: => To have quick demo session please booking an appointment: We are looking for business collaboration to extend the impact of this product and to validate its functionalities for international standards. If you are venture capital or someone who might get benefits from our product, please reach out.