Catherine Polezhaeva - Create group portraits that get you together with anyone

Need a group selfie to appraise your most valuable followers? Or just a nice portrait with friends you can't meet due to pandemics? Welcome to, where we unite single-person selfies into group portraits.
Join in now and invite whomever you want!

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Victor Sazhin
Hi, Hunters&Makers! Check this out to get a portrait of your distributed team :)
Abishek Muthian
@victorsazhin Congratulations on the launch! You might be interested in addressing this need gap - 'Collaboratively edit group photos in realtime' posted on my problem validation platform -, Perhaps in a future version of Unite.
Desi Saran
@victorsazhin how many people can join one selfie?
Ryan Hoover
This is cool concept. Any plans to support large groups of 50+ people? That could be useful for larger communities.
Victor Sazhin
@rrhoover Thanks!! Yes, we are seeking the right form to do this, and so far decided to share what we already have to get suggestions and feedback from the community.
Nikolay Siabrenko
Very cool product, congrats on the launch :)
Yully Mishner
Wow I like it
That's awesome! (and sick domain!)
Ken Wallace
Great idea! Any plans to add an API?
Hans Hartman
Interesting alternative approach to Poparazzi: a photosharing tool to drive viral adoption with cartoonized selfies instead of selfie-less photosharing.
This is an awesome tool, and even sweeter that it's free! Great work on this!
Usama Khalid
pretty cool. i was looking to pay someone on Fiverr to make a photo look like this. Thanks for building this tool.
Younghwi Cho
Interesting concept! Launching as an app can be so great too.
Foysol Ali
this is greate one
Harsh Gelda
Brilliant Concept!
Desi Saran
This is just too fun.