Hardcover is a social network for people to track what they read and want to read, make lasting connections with other readers and find life-changing books. We're anti-Amazon, pro-author, actively pursuing feedback and just getting started. 📚
Hi PH crew, I'm Ste I've been working together with Adam on Hardcover for the past 2 years. 🫡
Very eager to get this in front of the eyes of all readers everywhere.
No matter where you are on your reading journey, check us out!
Hardcover is optimised both for huge libraries of 1,000s of books, and readers just starting their journey.
It's also great for book discovery via our OpenAI integration and feed where you can see what others are up to (spoiler: reading).
Our vision is to become not only a valid G**dreads replacement (which we might already be) but also a functional operating system for the book industry. When we began working on this project, we had little idea about the magnitude of the problems readers, writers, publishers, and everyone in the book space were facing.
When you think about it, books are still the main vehicle for new ideas and stories. And right now the fate of the whole ecosystem depends on a few large companies. That have been doing good work in the past, but not an amazing job lately. Hardcover is part of the shift to something new.
In the meantime, it's a great place to build your library. Maybe even follow other readers.
I've also personally found it to be a great escape from all the noise on other social networks.
Building a library and seeing others post their updates is always surprisingly calming.
If you sign up, let us know how it goes! ✌️
@nastassia_k Thanks so much for the support!
That sounds like an amazing job. In the next updates, we have lots of plans for tools that make the job of authors and publishers easier. Would be very interesting to hear about the ins and outs of what being a literary scout means.
Let us know if you bump into anything and send any feedback you have our way 🫡
@stelofo congrats! this is a genuine product. beatiful branding and very nice idea. the pricing model is a bit strange though. have you guys decided about this model based on any user data?
@stelofo@ardalan_pouyabahar Pricing has been a tough one for us. All of our competitors, including the big name in the space, all are mostly free with potential premium features. We went that route as well, but I think we're still trying to figure out what the top draw would be that someone would pay enough to support us. We have some longer-term plans to generate revenue from authors and publishers. The Supporter plan we have now is mostly around helping us get there.
👋 Hi Book Friends!
I'm Adam, the founder of Hardcover, and I'm excited to share our newest version after over two years of building a community, a website, and iOS & Android apps!
During that time, we've talked to hundreds of readers about what they want in a book tracking and social platform. We've listened to their feedback, tested and iterated constantly.
We believe we've created a book space that feels as warm as a familiar library but as exciting as a midnight book launch party. 🥳
Here are a few of my favorite things you can do on Hardcover:
🔍 Find books - Search for books you know of, check out trending books, explore lists and prompts to find hidden gems, review your recommendations, stumble on friends reads in your feed, or browse all book by genre, mood or tag.
📘 Decide what to read - Besides all the book facts you'd expect to see, we show you a personalized Match Score from 0% to 100% for each book based on your reading history. You'll also see ratings & reviews from readers you follow and readers most similar to you.
📚 Track your reading - One place for every book you want to read, have read and more. You can set your privacy level to public, private (for a 🌶️ book?) or friends only. Use Airlists (our version of Airtable for Books) to further organize your library.
⭐ Log your reads - Rate and review books on a 5-star scale with half-star increments. Showcase your favorite books on your profile at hardcover.app/@username
🏁 Read even more - Set reading goals and explore your reading stats through charts and data visualizations to help keep you consistent and understand your own reading habits and tastes.
♾ AI librarian, Bookle game, referral program, Goodreads/StoryGraph importer, GraphQL API, light/dark modes, an active Discord and so much more!
This is a bootstrapped passion project by a small but dedicated team working in public with the book community. We absolutely love this space and will be around in the comments. We'd love to hear what you think! 🙌 Join our community and be part of Hardcover's journey!
@cassidoo That means so much, thank you Cassidy! Especially from someone who's made me smile so much with your content. Thanks for following us along on this journey. 🙌
I have actually been having the problems that you guys are trying to solve, having a bunch of books on Kindle's library and not knowing which one to read and then basically stopping it.
I think I am going to use this!
@rosekamallove thanks for checking us out!
Yeah, deciding to read a book is a decision that's more complex than people realize.
We've been busy talking to readers to see how we can improve that, and with recent updates on the book page and search, I think we're getting close to optimizing that process.
@rosekamallove I have a couple of ideas there, one that focuses on the entire site at once and one that focuses on your library specifically. Join us on the site and specifically on our discord channel and you can see where I'm talking about it. :D
The team has already done some great work in this space, I happen to bring a couple of "outside the box" ideas that I've been using personally for several years now. :D
SWEET! As an avid book reader this is going to be super helpful for me. I'm sharing it with my team as well. Thanks for making this Ste and Adam, this is amazing! (And as a marketer, I loved loved loved the branding and design, too...)
@tomorbach sweet, thanks Tom! Love to hear what’s most helpful for you as you try us out. @stelofo has brought Jules (our mascot) alive. It’s been fun to have a character we can mold into any situation. It reminds me of all the characters I saw everywhere in Japan (even little street markets have their own character!).
This is the first Goodreads alternative that actually feels sustainable as a replacement. I've been using it now for a few months, have tried a lot of the other book social and reading log apps out there, but Hardcover is the first where I've felt they're releasing features (and for a bootstrapped app they have incredible momentum releasing new features and improvements) that actually improve on what Goodreads offers, instead of just being "less bloated" than GR. Adam and Ste are dogfooding the app like crazy, and their obvious love of reading and books shows in every decision and aspect of the product. I have a lot of confidence in this app getting better and better as they continue to build it out.
Also a lot of revenue potential, when you consider that authors, publishers and bookstores all have a financial interest in getting their books in front of a targeted reading audience. (I trust the creators' ability to find the beneficial balance there and not just bomb the app with ads.)
Since I know they're reading, I will offer 1 piece of feedback: this concept of the "Airlist," I really don't get what it's for, or why that's its name. Is it, like, built on Airtable under the hood, and the name is playing off that? If so, non-tech readers won't get that and it's confusing. Can it have a more book-relevant name? Is there a function to it existing? I dunno.
@eb555 Wow, thanks so much for the kind words and being an early adopter Eric! Would it be OK for us to use this in a testimonial sometime? (not something we currently do, but want to eventually 😂).
Awesome feedback on Airlists. That's a tricky one. We wanted something to convey that our lists are more than just a list static list. Since you can change the view (table, shelf, card), sort, filter and change the columns that are shown, etc, just "lists" didn't seem to differentiate us from Goodreads. "Airlists" as a name might not be the right answer to that though. 🤔 Maybe we will just go back to "Lists" though. Clarity is more important than anything else. Thanks for the feedback! 🙌
@adamfortuna Sure you can! And okay, if Airlist is just a more user-adjustable UI for the basic book list on, say, https://hardcover.app/@adam/books/read..., why not just "Airlist"-ify that list (why is it an extra click to "Open in Airlist")? If it's a performance issue, maybe changing the link to "Explore this List" or "Curate this List" would demystify it. Just trying to help, not nitpick. Cheers!
@eb555 Yeah, having both of these on the same page makes sense to me. Right now we want the page to load ASAP, and for that we don't load everything that makes it an Airlist. I think we could do something where we still show all the airlist features, but we don't load the functionality until someone tries to use those features. That would probably offer the best of both worlds.
Congratulations on the launch! 🎉
The platform is absolutely phenomenal, making it a top place for readers on the internet!
Love the ongoing improvements. Keep going! 🙏
Hi everyone!
I've been involved with Hardcover as a user and supporter for over a year now, and I also joined its Librarian corps when the team first opened it up. I'm a mega-reader, averaging over 200 books per year for the last 4 years, and I'll still get near that number this year even when I was *trying* to go slower. BookSirens.com ranks me among the Top 1% in both reading diversity and readers helped among all those who have submitted data for their analysis.
Hardcover has been great in so many areas already, and we're really just getting started. We've already got one of the best AI tools in the game, if not *the* best. We've already got some of the most granular statistics of any book library system I've found to date - and I've found a lot of them over the years. Our social feed system is already one of the better ones out there, easily allowing you to see feeds of just those you follow or even all activity on the system with just a single click, as well as the sometimes-infamous-in-other-systems "For You" feed, which combines the two and tailors them to your interests.
As @stelofo and @adamfortuna have said, we're all about making this site the go-to place for *every* reader and *everyone* involved in making books happen. We don't care if you're reading the first book you've read since high school or if you read hundreds of books per year, we want to be the place where you come to find and talk about books. And yes, we even want to be the place that authors, publishers, and everyone else in the industry can come to find the tools they need for their various functions as well - and while we have some ideas there, we'd love to hear what *you* think so that we can try to be the first to make those ideas a reality.
So come join us, and let's make revolutionize this game in ways it never has been before.
Congrats on the launch, team! I’ve been using Hardcover for a while now as a way to recommend books to my friends and newsletter subscribers. It’s a great product and has been growing by absolute leaps and bounds!
@patilganesh1010 thanks! We just redesigned the homepage 2 days ago. 😅 it was a bit of a risk, but I think it ended up awesome. It helps its in Next.js, so we can make it as dynamic as we want.
@frantzlight Thanks! It took a good 2 years before our discovery felt natural on Hardcover. Between trending books and Prompts things have started to finally click 😂
I love Hardcover!!! I’ve been using it and prefer it over goodreads. The Hardcover team is so thoughtful and focused on building the right thing, and the community is great! So much love for hardcover!!
I'm in love with the UI of this website, what a great discovery!
The interface is so easy to use, I can't wait to read more books to add them to my library 👀
@lou_attal Yay, thanks! I just added "The Productivity Project" to my reading list which you mentioned. Hardcover says I'll rate about 4⭐ and it's right up my alley.
I've been following the development of Hardcover for the past two years.
I'm impressed by the Hardcover teams' commitment to its mission-driven approach. The fact that the actively seeks feedback shows their dedication to making the platform the best it can be. It's clear they genuinely care about the reading community and want to create a space where readers can all flourish.
While it's just a small part of the site, one fun feature I've really enjoyed is Bookle, a Wordle-like game where you get 6 guesses to figure out a pixelated book cover. I'm also really excited about the Recommendations page and match scoring.
Kudos to the founders for bringing Hardcover to life, and I can't wait to see where this wonderful project goes!
@ajlillie Aww, thanks so much for the kind words and being a part of the journey so far. 😊
We're planning to integrate Bookle more into the site! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. Even though I set the answers, I try to forget and play along too. 😂 Maybe we should get some guests to choose the answers. 🤔
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