Hi Product Hunters!
Mobile live chat experience deserves more love. Today, we are happy to release our mobile responsive chat widget that would work on responsive and even on non-responsive sites. And with pro-active chats on mobile you can take conversions to the next level.
Along with this release we packed in a Javascript API (https://developer.happyfoxchat.com/). Would love to hear your feedback.
HappyFox Chat is free for 10 agents with unlimited chats.
@shalin10 I'm still waiting for my free HappyFox t-shirt ;P Great work here! On-site chat has always been a headache without enough support for how employees actually want to use it.
@thatmattgardner Thank you for the appreciation. I'm surprised you didn't get the t-shirt.
The most successful adoption we have seen with companies is after they have started using our desktop app. I will reach out to you over email soon.
Are there different looks for the chat button? We're currently using Olark, but I would be interested in switching if the chat onboarding can be customized.
@amyers You can change the colors, on-boarding messaging and button labels right from the interface. Check out: https://happyfoxchat.com/best-li.... Besides, we also have dedicated desktop apps instead of relying on jabber clients and native apps for both iOS and Android.
@jeffrey_wyman Thanks Jeffery. From day one of writing the app it has been our goal to go native with Desktop and mobile apps. So, we cover Mac, Windows, iOS and Android.
Another great extension of an already well made product. And weird not seeing their own desktop version show up in related products on the right: https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Question: in the video, at 34 seconds , the customer moves from chat to shopping cart... What did they press to do that? Its hard to tell in video. The easier they can move from chat to shopping cart the better
@twalkerp Sorry, didn't highlight the taps. The customer can click anywhere on the chat title bar and minimize the chat. Making it super easy with the large tap area. There is also a minimize option under the vertical ellipsis.
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat
Prank Greeting Cards (with glitter)!
HappyFox Chat
HappyFox Chat