I made Hack Club Finder so club leaders and members could locate clubs near them. Humans throughout history have accomplished so much more in together in communities than they have alone, and my goal with Finder is to help conjoin clubs to create this type of community.
Now you may be wondering: "What is a Hack Club?" Hack Clubs are clubs for high school students where they come together, learn to code, and build amazing things. We're currently in 190 schools around the world, but there are far more schools than that.
Are you an existing club leader? Did you find a club near you? Reach out to them!
Did your Hack Club just start up? Need help to make it successful? Connect to nearby clubs for support and guidance!
Don't see any Hack Clubs near you? Are you interested in starting one? Be the first to start one in your community, apply to start your very own Hack Club at https://hackclub.com/apply!
Started with Hack Club almost a year ago and did not know where other clubs were or if they were near enough to participate in events together. Now, with this app, I do.
Started with Hack Club almost a year ago and did not know where other clubs were or if they were near enough to participate in events together. Now, with this app, I do.
Pros:Easy to find clubs near me