We are proud funders of Grove. The Ecosystem is their first product. It launched Tuesday morning on Kickstarter.
The Grove Ecosystem is an intelligent, indoor garden that helps people grow fresh, flavorful, and nutritious food year round. The Ecosystem uses fish and plants to reliably grow delicious produce - including vegetables, herbs and small fruits - in a space the size of a bookshelf. Along with our Grove OS app, this engaging and beautiful system gives everyone a green thumb.
We funded them when Gabe showed us his plans to make Groves as ubiquitous as refrigerators. The technology and plant growth knowledge is rapidly improving (efficient LED lighting and better monitoring and control systems)
Let me know what you think?
@msuster Thanks for posting this and funding. Looks really awesome. I really like the ecosystem approach and think products like this have the potential to truly impact humanity. Engineered ecosystems will be a huge part of our survival as we continue to put more of a strain on the carrying capacity of the Earth.
Also, if you haven't already @gblanchet3, you might want to talk to the guys over at Fishbit. @naterock101 is a smart guy. They're working on a way to monitor, control, and automate Aquariums.
Hi Product Hunt! Mark - thank you for posting (and funding!)
I'm Gabe, Co-Founder and CEO of Grove. We launched the Ecosystem today and have been humbled by the support and # of orders over the first few hours. I am here to answer any questions!
We're investors in Grove and it's been great watching them change the way we think about indoor gardening. They've already run a successful pilot in Boston, very excited to see them launch to the public through Kickstarter. We've got a Grove here in Galvanize Boulder and the fresh mint and other veggies are great!
"Fresh herbs", indeed. 😏
Kidding... I actually *love* this concept. Are there additional finishes in the works? Would be way in to a "Stockholm White" option.
@jgulden Hi Josiah, yes - on the kickstarter page there is a custom wood stain tier. Although we designed to fit in living room/dining room/school/restaurant/office, already 10+ emails this morning (since KS launch) of people interested in integrating Ecosystems right into their kitchen cabinetry. So we know they have to fit in :)
I've been following Grove since your early days at the GFSA: amazing team, great vision, it's a winning combination. If I had some room in my apartment, I'd be in the first backers.
Have seen the advantages of aquaponics on the large scale already http://www.citylab.com/design/20.... Would be interested to see some results from the team!
The Full Ratchet
Grove Labs
Grove Labs