Real time satellite tracker map. Search any satellite by name available on Celestrak website, and track them in the map real-time, changing the speed or travel into time.
@rubenwolff all satellites listed in
Tracking for fun. Some satellites are visible at naked eye. In a future, I could add predictions so you know ie. when the ISS pass above you. Or maybe you want to track a weather satellite to receive images using a homemade antenna. Those are some simple use cases for tracking them. Here's a todo list:
@nataliekarakina anyone just curious about where is x satellite at. Some satellites like the ISS are visible at naked eye on certain conditions (near dawn/sunset). Probably it won't be useful for people working at NASA, but maybe amateur radio community
I knew you could track ISS but not other satellites as well! Super cool idea and great visualization. Excited to see someone find a cool use-case for this!
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