Graphite Pro - Dump Google's G-Suite for a secure, private alternative
Graphite Pro is a secure productivity alternative to Google, Dropbox, and others. Organizations own their data and Graphite can't access any of it. Everything is encrypted with encryption keys owned by users and teams. Docs, files, contacts, forms, and more.
I use Graphite for my most personal and private writing. This way I know Google, Apple or Facebook aren't snooping on my personal info.
Pros:- Secure - Private - Easy to use - Great Collaboration Features
Cons:Could use more integrations with other publishing or productivity tools but I understand there are trade offs of privacy to add those.
Looking forward to more features from the Graphite Team in their excellent products.
Pros:I like that Graphite is ethical about my data. I won't have an unknown price to pay years down the road for using "free software".
Cons:I don't know of a better alternative. At times some of the flows or operations take a moment as they're not always intuitive to me.