Niko Bonatsos

The Grammarly Keyboard for iOS - Grammarly launches new iOS keyboard for better writing

The Grammarly Keyboard is a personal editor that works seamlessly across all apps on your iPhone and iPad. It offers a comprehensive range of suggestions on clarity and correctness to make you a more effective writer and communicator.

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Ayan Mandal
Thank you for the hunt, @bonatsos. I’m excited the Grammarly Keyboard is now live! This has been our most requested feature. For some time now, Grammarly’s AI-powered products have provided peace of mind to millions of people who believe in the value of clear, articulate, and error-free writing. Today, ten million users are benefitting daily from Grammarly’s feedback on their messages and documents. Now, by popular demand, we’re bringing Grammarly to iOS — with Android coming soon. The Grammarly Keyboard integrates with all mobile apps, including Twitter, Tinder, email, text messages, and the mobile browser. Using the same algorithms that currently power the desktop experience, the keyboard offers a comprehensive set of writing suggestions from context-specific recommendations, including voice and clarity, to fundamentals, such as grammar and punctuation. I encourage you to give it a try and let us know what you think — we’re always looking to iterate and improve. Here’s to making “Sent from my iPhone” a thing of the past!
Reony T
@bonatsos @ayanmandal1 you answered my question. Android coming soon 😄 I literally started using Grammarly two days ago on my computer. Then I said to myself, "Damn this would be awesome on my phone!"
Ahmad Awais ⚡
@bonatsos @ayanmandal1 Looking forward to Android. Would it be possible for you guys to integrate with GBoard?
Mohammed Rafy
I still feel predictions by Swift Keyboard is way smoother than this.
@rafyasarmatta One important thing about predictions is that it takes a new keyboard some time to learn your preferences and your context, so comparing that aspect of a newly-installed keyboard vs. the one that had plenty of time to "learn" and personalize is not apples to apples. But a bigger point is that Grammarly does so much more than typing predictions - word choice, sentence structure, clarity/ambiguity, contextual misspellings, even formality & tone suggestions. It's a much broader range of writing and communication support beyond just spelling/typing.
Mohammed Rafy
@max_lytvyn True and absolutely makes sense. Been a huge fan of what you're doing and appreciate what you've built. I'm loving it. Thanks, Max for the answers. P.S I'm typing this on Grammarly Keyboard.
Alan Houser
@rafyasarmatta @max_lytvyn I want to kill apple’s PI anyway. Maybe this is the way. We’re becoming really lazy with grammar, opting for speed over brainpower:)
Artur Abadjan
Hey guys! Finally, Grammarly is available on mobile. Great product! I just wanna ask if you are going to do some merges with other available keyboards? I use Google keyboard on iOS as I do like how swift-type-writing works, especially with google prediction. It would be just perfect to use google keyboard that is upgraded with grammarly. What do you think?
Roman Guliak
@artur_abadzhyan Thanks for trying out our keyboard and providing feedback. iOS is designed in such a way that you can quickly switch between multiple keyboards and enjoy their unique features: swipe, GIFs, emojis, etc. But when it comes to an important message, Grammarly Keyboard is here to help. To make the keyboard switch seamless, you can tap and hold the globe icon on Grammarly keyboard, and you'll get all other keyboards just one long tap away. Hope this trick helps!
Artur Abadjan
@ru1iak not actually as it takes extra seconds)) and when you typing something every sec is important. So it would be much easier to see grammarly features in those keyboards that you are already into for a long time. But I took your point and thnx for the answer!
@artur_abadzhyan Another problem for me as a German is the English QWERTY layout. I always have to change keyboards to type my Umlauts (which occur quite frequently, at least every tenth word). So, the keyboard app is quite useless for anyone who's not an English native.
Bryan Maniotakis
@ru1iak I can't seem to enable swipe on the Grammarly keyboard. Am I missing something?
wow this is something have been waiting for long time 😄 installed straightaway 🎉🎉
Chad Whitaker
Beautiful addition. Any plans to add support for moving the cursor as you drag your finger on the spacebar? Also, quick access to emojis is a must. 😊
Roman Guliak
@chadwhitaker Glad you liked our keyboard! The primary goal for v.1.0 was to bring confidence in writing to mobile. Once it's done, we're going to work on additional features to increase productivity. Thanks for your feedback and stay tuned!
Jason Yu
Curious how this is better than Apple’s keyboard...I typed “the white house” and Grammarly did not format as a proper noun whereas Apple did?
Alan Houser
@jhyu Grammarly is fantastic at finding not only spelling, but use/tense and punctuation. Example, where I was using it last night on a Squarespace site (a rare script conflict kept the tool-tip “click” functionality from working), but it works really well. Perfect Gmail companion!
@ayanmandal1 this is brilliant, I’ve been waiting forever! I do have one recommendation which is for 3D Touch inclusion on the keyboard. Usually when you press and hold you can move the cursor anywhere. On Grammarly, users can’t. Will you implement this in the future?
Ayan Mandal
@3raxton Thank you for trying out Grammarly's Keyboard and for your suggestion! We have a roadmap of features that we will be adding to the product and will keep this one in mind.
Chadwick Swenson
Love the desktop product. Excited to have Grammarly wherever I go! Thanks.
Tristan Cole
@ayanmandal1 When is Grammarly for Google Docs coming?
Ayan Mandal
@tristanhcole Grammarly Keyboard uses an integration approach with Google Drive that is not yet available on desktop. However, we are actively working on how we might bring this highly requested feature to our users.
Tristan Cole
@ayanmandal1 Awesome, thanks for the reply!
Jarod Steffes
FINALLY!! Grammarly is awesome! I love it for my MacBook and now it’s on mobile? 🔥🔥🔥 thank you!However, after playing with it for a few minutes, I see switching to emoji isn't so smooth. As it switches back to the default keyboard and then gotta hit the emoji button again. Hope to see see an update for this in the near future!
Roman Guliak
@jarod_steffes Thanks for trying out our keyboard! We're also very excited about this launch, and even more excited about the days to come as the team is already working on additional features. Stay tuned!
Jarod Steffes
@ru1iak only thing I think needed is a cleaner, better, and faster switch to emojis! I had to quit using Grammarly because of the problem. 😅 Keep us updated.
Mohammed Rafy
Woah ho! This is impressive. Installing now and testing. Great work team. :) Update - Installed now.
Ivan Pasichnyk
wow, I was waiting for this so long!
Super cool!!!!
David Carpe
nice work! been using the beta for months and thrilled to see the final release!
Roman Guliak
@passingnotes Thanks a lot for being a beta user and helping to improve our app!
Stas Romanov
I would like to look at the application, then I will wait for android-version :)
Roman Guliak
@realrus and here it is Let us know what you think!
Mohammed Rafy
What do you dowhen you want to insert a smiley? Let's put a smile on that face.😻
That really helps a lot
Chris Spintzyk
Pumped to give this a try for sure.
Randle Stonier
I like what you guys do, immensely. Well done. It will be absolutely fab when you finally crack English English and not the hocus ‘fanny bag’ pocus practiced on the other side of the Atlantic. What are your plans to adopt the Queen’s English vs some trumped up version? Also, Apple’s reminder that by giving you Full Access means key strokes of credit cards and passwords means you are capturing everything and it is understandably disconcerting. I have trust, but over time in Apple for their security protocols and robust expressions and seeming deeds of best intent to act on behalf of their customers. It would be good to hear explicitly about your security processes, to give us some peace of mind. Apologies if you’ve covered it elsewhere but Apple’s pop up warning did rightly stop and make me think.
@randlelondon In many respects, American English is more conserved and old-fashioned than British English -- the latter having changed more since they diverged. Shakespeare's English was rhotic, pronouncing [ɹ] where the orthography says it should be pronounced -- like most of American English. Yours, sir, is the new-fangled English. And it's "fanny pack," not "fanny bag."
@randlelondon I'm happy to bring good news here. Grammarly supports British and American English via a setting that's available in the user profile area (more here: ). And because we respect English dialects equally, we are also working on Canadian, Australian, and some other dialects. The default setting is picked up from the locale set on the phone, but users can override it. As for the security of password and credit card fields, Grammarly is not activated for these sensitive fields with a rare exception of apps that misidentify such fields. Apple is very cautious about privacy and security of its users, just as we are, and thus Apple warns users about such a possibility, even though mislabeling sensitive fields by apps is rare. In any case, we take the security of user data very seriously and use stringent encryption, anonymization, and purging of any potentially personally-identifiable or sensitive data. You can read more about our data handling in the Data Storage and Transfer section of our Privacy Policy ( ). I apologize for linking to a verbose document, but quoting parts without context may create more confusion than clarity.