Grammar Snob
Markup your friend's iMessages like an English teacher 😁
Iam J
Grammar Snob — Markup your friends' iMessages like an English teacher 😁
Adam Marx
Holy crap, it's like a gift from the grammar fairy! I'm and going to have a LOT of a fun with this. I apologize in advance to any of my friends who will now hate me. You all are acceptable losses in my quest for grammar dominance. 😂😂😂
Please add in-app purchase but as reverse charge. For each additional spelling mistake the penalty is increased x2. 😮
Kyle Conarro
Might be good to tweak the headline to avoid grammar issues. "Markup" --> Mark up "your friend" --> your friend's OR your friends'
Ben Tossell
Haha quite a cool little idea for a Sticker app! (and I'm not really a Sticker fan!)
Ben Tossell
@mscccc you have such a kind heart
Priyanka Sharma
It's ironical that the name of the app is mis-spelled on PH. Lol
Ben Tossell
@thepenwoman haha - hunter must've spelt it wrong! Fixed
Bala S.
Grammer, is it?
Michele Engel
This makes me SO happy. There's something sorta wrong with that, though, huh?
Ryan Hoover
Ha! This is so troll.
Nate Guy
I love this sticker pack!! Already gotten some good use out of it!
Alessandra Colaci
Oh man. All my friends might hate me after I use this. Worth it!
Sar Haribhakti
Haoyang Feng
This is awesome
Well good 👍🏻
Dmitry Suholet
What a great idea :)
Jordan Sztern
This is just what I needed. Perfect.
Brilliant. Troll to the max! 😂
Eleanor Harding
Grammar nerds rejoice! This is cute/clever.