MJ DeMarco

GradeMyBusinessIdea.com — Is your business idea worth pursuing? Find out fast and free

Think you have a great business idea? Is your business idea worth pursuing? Can it make you a fortune? Support a family? Or is it a waste of time? Get your business idea rated fast & free. Based on the C.E.N.T.S. Framework™ authored by entrepreneur MJ DeMarco

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MJ DeMarco
As founder of The Fastlane Entrepreneur Forum we get dozens of requests for feedback on ideas. Is it worth pursuing? Can it scale to millions? Will it waste my time and potentially lose me money? GradeMyBusinessIdea.com allows you to grade ANY BUSINESS idea fast, free, and quickly. Based on the CENTS Framework as I engineered and authored in my two books, The Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted: Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship. Any idea can be evaluated within minutes, complete with an explanation of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the idea's lifetime potential value throughout the execution spectrum (poor to excellent) -- no email address, registration, or anything required.
Adrian Parkes
Loved it... With a few short questions you get a full analysis that gives some really good insights about all major aspects of your Entrepreneurial Idea! I wish everything in life was so straight forward! #Unscripted