Ryan Hoover

Amazon Chime - Frustration-free video calls. Amazon's Skype competitor.


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Niv Dror
Alexa: Is Amazon taking over the world
Aaron Suplizio
@nivo0o0 Amazon is so nailing the frustrations of conference calls with distributed teams in meeting-centric corporate cultures with the video above...i take my life into my own hands everytime i have to punch in a conference call code on the road. Love the positioning.
Emmanuel Lemor
@aaronsuplizio @nivo0o0 Actually not really, I suspect they stole the idea from these guys: https://www.uberconference.com [see video] and that video is even more demonstrative of typical issues..
Ben Lang
Top Product
They are
Raj Ajrawat
@benln I wonder what % of workforce in that total employment figure is fulfillment/blue collar vs highly-skilled labor/engineering. Latter is probably comparable to GOOG & MSFT. Still though, they are everywhere and AWS continues to fuel their investment.
Graham Gnall
@emmanuel_lemor @aaronsuplizio @nivo0o0 they stole the idea of easier video conferencing? see also webex, gotomeeting, blue jeans, zoom, lifesize, highfive, joinme, zoho, hangouts, skype and yes, uberconference (which i use).
Ryan Hoover
Amazon just released their competitor to Skype, WebEx, Google Hangouts, Zoom (which just raised a massive $100m from Sequoia), etc. Another example of how Amazon is branching into everything from software to hardware to original content to (maybe) trucking company. Sooo, when is Alexa getting a screen? πŸ€”
Niv Dror
@hadifarnoud πŸ€–
Jimmy Douglas
Feed the Machine Learning algorithm! MOAR DATA!
Habib Khalid
The UX is just a mess. I cannot believe Amazon would do such a poor job. For now, I am sticking to Skype. Nice try Amazon.
Austin T Storm
@hkhalidz Wait, you can't believe Amazon doesn't care about UX?
Ashwini Sriram
@hkhalidz Yeah! There are too many sub-windows and popups. The "Running late" feature is nifty though.
Habib Khalid
@austinstorm Believing a company cares about something is totally different from delivering a great user experience. The current UX for Chime feels as if it was designed by a machine not human. There's too many moving parts and the user journey is not straight forward. It too me a few minutes just to signup for the tool. Mind you, I am a technical person. How long do you think it would take a nontechnical person to use this? Now, does that mean Amazon is a bad company when it comes to UX, no not at all. In fact, Amazon has released some great products over the years. But this one is not one of them.
Bastien Billey
"You can use video conferencing for up to 16 people" Definitely not compete with zoom for now if you're a bigger team
Lucas Grohn
@billey_b Somebody needs to compete with Zoom. Cannot stand having to use it all the time.
Marlon Wayne
@billey_b it says 100 on the website. But it's limited to just 2 people for both Basic and Plus plans, which I find odd.
Joshua Pinter
@billey_b ?? "Video meetings for up to 100 people"
Timmy Wahba
So... uhm.... What's unique about this?
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
@timmywahba Multi device screen sharing is where I'm excited... but I tried it and was underwhelmed. Especially the part about not being available via mobile app.
Kristin Drysdale
@nassaraf @timmywahba "You can also allow remote control of a screen share for richer collaboration." β†’Pretty sick! -It's almost like Amazon combined everything everyone loves about Rabbit, Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, etc.,
Adam Lasnik
I watched the video, but I'm still puzzled. What are the key differentiators here? (though admittedly, that's often not covered in an intro video) If it's reliability, awesome! Especially over low latency. But (while -- as a Googler -- I'm admittedly biased) I'm pretty happy with Google [video] Hangouts and I've also had good luck with Skype in the past, so I'm genuinely curious what enterprise need this new product is filling. That said... delighted by the competition. Just like Google Home will undoubtedly be getting Amazon to up their game with their Echo, I'm excited about how Amazon's efforts in this space may spur greater innovation and quality in online meetings :).
Emmanuel Lemor
@thatadamguy How can you be happy with Google Hangout as a serious business solution? :/ yes, I get you have drunk the cool-aid ;) lol
Jon Samuelson
@thatadamguy If you are with Google, you sound like the person I need to talk to. Hangouts used to be great 3 years ago, but it seems like Google just forgot about it. We have been using Hangouts on Air to record our podcast over that time. The updates are weak, and they are stripping away useful features, like sound effects, in April. You have to search hard to find out where to start an Hangout on Air on YouTube now. We switched to Blab because we were fed up with GHO, then they shut down with almost no warning. I would love a video service that can record your chat, is easy for people to join, and has reliability. I work in education, and teachers need a simple solution to deliver professional development. I am on the lookout for any new tool that can do this.
Adam Lasnik
@jonsamuelson :\ sorry for the frustration on multiple fronts! I don't work on anything Hangouts related at Google (I'm on the Travel Products team, the group trying to get the world to meet face to face :p), but I'm optimistic about the future of Google Hangouts'y stuff and will keep my fingers crossed that you and others will be delighted :).
Gilles Bertaux
Still looking a lot "Entrepresy" to me though. Btw Amazon, don't build a webinar software. We got it. Thanks.
Sabri Helal
global takeover by Amazon.
Emmanuel Lemor
Hummm I think Amazon jumped the gun a bit here... A. No iOS or Android working links for downloading apps [and they aren't in the stores] B. You have to have a AWS account to subscribe, really? :/ :( And do I trust Amazon to be better than companies at software/video technology than companies who have dedicated years to it.. hummm, nope, not really yet...
Emmanuel Lemor
@francisco_ramos Thanks Francisco, hummm but you still can't find the App, in the App Store if you type: Amazon Chime, fyi.
Vlad Arbatov
@emmanuel_lemor @francisco_ramos That is maybe because some geo restrictions. "Amazon Chime" worked for me
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
I like the effort, but I also tried it, and it's just not that great right now. The app is not on the AppStore or GooglePlay which is misleading since this is supposed to support #mobile devices, and it would be much smarter if #AmazonChime automatically imported all my Google contacts vs. my having to manually enter them in 1 by 1.
Naomi Assaraf πŸ”₯
Update: I felt the need to remove my upvote. I just expected better product. I'll recommend it again if they address their issues. #newreleaseproblems
Jeremy Gollehon
Yeah!!! Another one. :-/
Abdussami Tayyab
@gollyjer I was already unhappy with Zoom coming to the market, more and more such apps mean we corporate ppl can't decide which one to follow. Nowadays, the interactions are, "What time does work for you on Skype or Zoom?" Now it'll be, "What time do we chime/zoom in? Or do we Skype?"
Craig Daniel
@abdussamit @gollyjer Or you could just use join.me, which is purpose built for working with people outside of your company. No downloads for them, no logins. < 5 seconds they are connected via web. (disclaimer: admittedly biased towards join.me)
Abdussami Tayyab
@craigdaniel @gollyjer Seems cool to me, pls drop me an e-mail at tayyab.abdussami@gmail.com, I am up for testing it with someone :)
Chance Mayfield
@craigdaniel we're having major screenshare issues on our corporate account. is there anything you suggest that reduces the choppiness/lag we're dealing with? Our WiFi runs about 400 Mbps up and 400 Mbps down in each of our four offices across the country so it's definitely not a speed issue.
Is Amazon the new Google? Or more?
Jerod Moore
2 users is the free package. They may push into larger clients, it does look handy from the brief video I watched, but def not in the same park as Zoom. Skype however, they got some fighting to do it looks like.
Andrew Gryaznov
Well, this is not a web app. You lose, Amazon.
Guillaume Flandre
I wonder if this is another one of these tools they were using internally and decided it was good enough to release it to the world
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@gflandre that was my assumption.
Alex Shin
Wow a PM there told me they were like an octopus with a million arms but video calling? It's such a saturated space...? What possessed Amazon to scoot into the Enterprise Space?
Tristan Isham
@alex_shin I'd assume simply because they can? They're building out their networking portfolio (with some of their more ambitions projects) so why not create the software to manage these networks? I mean, with AWS they're more than set up to build Chime into something with plugins for everyone.
Alexander Isora πŸ¦„
I still don't understand why Slack offers the "skype" field in the profile settings. Why not simply "contact" field? Fun fact: even my grandma hates Skype and keep trying alternatives 🀣 πŸ˜‚
Abhilash Jain
Amazon is bringing in their A game, but I doubt people will switch from what they are already comfortable with. Too many options currently. My personal favorite has always been appear.in
Expensive, $15 per user per month? That cuts out non-profits Even the plus plan for $2.50. Slack seems like a better fit if one was to make payments. For non profits Skype is a better fit, read free.