@thekitze xD I give you the funny comment, but I don't understand tech-stack-fans.
The right front-end decision flow (for products that take more than just yourself to be built) is:
1) Think about the product
2) Choose the best tech stack and workflow for it
3) Never be 100% sure you picked the best solution
4) If you firmly think you picked the best solution, go back to #1 until you get stuck at #3
Meh. The Angular team wasted too much time rewriting some components multiple times. In the time is has taken them to release NG2, React has cannibalised the front-end space and other frameworks like Aurelia which have lower learning curves launched final versions a while back (Aurelia in July). The syntax is confusing and NG2 suffers from a bad case of being over-engineered, just like NG1.
@brunolemos heh, maybe. I'm not really using it a lot but I took a couple of (long) tutorials on it and it looks like I wasted my time. Oh, well, learning something is never a bad thing, right?
Awesome to see the release of this. Yes, it's taken too long. Yes, it's different to other 'frameworks' (for those who aren't as clued up, React and Angular are completely different things. One is a full-application building software, while React is essentially an HTML rendering layer). I'm stoked for this, particularly with things like Ionic 2 coming out, etc.
I think Angular will get a lot of love from larger and more enterprise-type places. With being full featured and using Typescript there are a lot of wins for bigger teams
Congrats to the team, this has been a long time coming and it's been interesting to watch the (sometimes mental) development.
But I do agree with some other poster(s) that this may have taken far too long to get to this point when others have already been here and beyond since.
We are collating best online programming courses/tutorials of Angularjs here: https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn.... Request you all to upvote the tutorials you find worthy or submit the tutorials you find valuable for future Angularjs learners. Thanks.
The huge win is that they’re finally moving to semantic versioning. Note also that the next breaking changes would be around February (every 6 months from now) with Angular 3.
@souhail_5 There goes the last bit of confusion i had on React or ng2. ng1 dev here. very basic knowledge of React, but would build on React than breaking changes every 6 months.
@joy014 I agree with you and also with what @dwayne_charrington said. I'm not a huge fan of Angular 2 (until now) but the Angular team will release a tool that will help to semi-automatically upgrade any application, even in case of breaking changes. Maybe this will make the upgrade process more easier
Really like the website and documentation. For people using Angular 1, I'd highly recommend upgrading because this has awesome features.
That said, I started the tutorial and was grossed out by the hard-coding of script tags, and just in general of how it works. I came in with an open mind, but after using React and Redux, I can't switch away, even if it is beautiful and feature-rich.
We recently (within the last year) rebuilt our web application using Angular 1. I'm a Product Manager, how long will it be before my team tells me that we need to rebuild our application in Angular 2 because Angular 1 will be no longer supported/outdated?
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