Martin Ollivere

GradPad - Intuitively create beautiful gradients & export as CSS

GradPad is designed to help designers and developers quickly and intuitively create beautiful gradients for their design projects which they can export as CSS. GradPad gives you full control over multiple colour and opacity stops as well as an inspiration gallery to get you started.

**Please note that touch devices are not currently supported**

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Martin Ollivere
hello everybody, would love your thoughts and suggestions for our latest design/dev tool, GradPad, an intuitive gradient generator. We have thick skin so all comments welcomed...
Razvan Gabriel
@martinollivere from all the gradient web tools I've seen here on PH, this one looks like it is going to bring the biggest value to my design process when it comes to finding the best gradient fast for a project. Thank you for building it!
Martin Ollivere
@razgraf thanks so much for this, this kind of feedback really gives us the motivation to keep making these tools. If you have any suggestions or comments whilst using it please let us know. Thanks again, really appreciate it.
Wow, this is great! Have used various sites for building/grabbing gradients but they usually don't allow this level of customization and control. Nice! Any way to use this offline by chance?
Martin Ollivere
@bscottx Hi there, thank you so much for this. With so many tools available it's really motivating to know that we've managed to create something people like yourself find offers genuinely value. Regarding the use offline, Jamie says this is do-able but we hadn't considered that as yet. May I ask what would be your use case for this? Thanks again
@martinollivere Sorry for the delay in responding. With work, I sometimes make these comments and then totally forget to come back to check on them. It's more of a personal philosophical preference / convenience factor. There are occasions where I'll be working on a site locally on a machine while not connected to the web. More often than not, I just have a personal preference towards tools/utilities being apps versus sites when I'm working on something. Also, any online tool gives me a slight uneasy feeling of "will this go away someday soon if it's not used a lot?", so offline apps give me a sense of security that even if abandoned, I can still use the tool/utility without it needing to be hosted somewhere or rely on a third-party to keep it alive. Aside from these considerations, it's just a nitpick, really. I think I'm just lazy and would rather open an app than open a browser, look through bookmarks, etc. haha Even if simple, it's a really useful tool (which I will definitely be using), and I appreciate it being offered for free, so don't take any of the above as things I think I am entitled to or expect, just figured I'd give some feedback! šŸ˜Š
Martin Ollivere
@bscottx Fantatsic, thanks for this and sincere apologies for my own late response to your message
Daeshawn Ballard
Thank you for this.
Martin Ollivere
@imdaeshawn Hi Daeshawn, thanks so much for your comment, we're glad you find it useful. Any feedback whilst your using please do mail it over.
Does this read as grād pād or grăd păd
Martin Ollivere
@treggify My ignorance of any language other than English has been exposed here, I hope that this name doesn't have another meaning on the continent...
@martinollivere Hahaha long a or short a?
Martin Ollivere
@treggify both short a, it was short for gradient pad
This is awesome. also if you add the support for more than 2 colors, that would be very nice
Martin Ollivere
@terterihei Hi there, I'm happy to say you can add as many colours as you like! Simply click above the bar in the centre bottom of the screen (your icon will turn into a plus icon when in the right area). The stops underneath the bar are for opacity and you can also add and edit as many of those as you like too.
Gƶkhan Taşkan

I will probably use it for every project.


Ultra simple and fast


I do not know

Matt Scott Crum
Rarely do stuff with gradients in general and literally had this need like yesterday/today. This is awesome and definitely allowed me to get *exactly* what I wanted! Thanks!
Martin Ollivere
@mattscottcrum Fantastic! This is great to hear, thank you very much indeed. If you have any feedback please do let us know
Joshua Pinter
Absolutely love it. By far the best implementation I've seen. Great job.
Martin Ollivere
@joshuapinter So glad to hear this Joshua as there are lots of tools out there, thank you so much for this. If you have any suggestions for improvements we're keen to hear them