Ben Tossell

New Google Chrome - New look and big update for their 10th birthday 🎂

Chrome is getting a new look today, 10 years after Google’s browser first launched. The new design includes rounded shapes and tabs, a fresh color palette, and updated icons. Google is updating the whole of Chrome to include this new user interface, and altering prompts, menus, and URLs in the address bar to match the new design.

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Ben Tossell
Updates include: - More rounded shapes, new icons and a new colour palette. - Changed the shape of our tabs so that the website icons are easier to see, which makes it easier to navigate across lots of tabs - simplified the prompts, menus, and even the URLs in your address bar - Smart answers directly in your search bar
Bruno Lemos
Changelog for Developers: * CSS Scroll Snap (super nice to make gallery-like interactions!) * Display cutouts (notch support) * Web Locks API * Array .flat() and .flatMap() * OffscreenCanvas (moves work off the main thread into a worker for performance reasons) * CSS conic-gradient
Nick Abouzeid
Woo! I'm always a fan of browser updates. Maybe this version won't eat up my RAM. 😂
Jeff Kerr

shift+command+open-bracket is the UNIVERSAL symbol for previous tab, and shift+command+close-bracket is THE symbol for next tab. Why remove this? Browser is broken as far as I am concerned.


Looks cute?


Keyboard shortcuts no longer work!!!!

Nathan Sichilongo
Maybe they changed it up? On Mac, It seems to now be Option + Command + left arrow for previous tab and right arrow for next tab. Not sure what it is on Windows if you are on Windows
Rafael Lecaros Sotomayor
Ctrl + Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab Are working ok
Gabriel Szanto
OK, it's a very opportunistic comment but for French people, I just released a new episode today of my podcast with Sébastien Gabriel, Senior Visual Designer on Google Chrome. We discuss about Chrome and its design and you'll learn more about the amazing level of details and precision these guys are diving into. Way much more than what strikes the eye ;-) 👉
Dennis Stücken
I think they overdid it with these super round corners everywhere. Looks cartoonish to me :D (still my favorite browser though.. :p)
Andras Milassin
@dstuecken This new tab design has a very close resemblance to the Pixel 3 notch (according to leaks). Did they collaborate on this?
Peter C
Vivaldi has everything but the smart answers already :P plus more... just saying..
Cristian Bara

On a mac, the new tabs are extremely white, so it looks like staring on a photo flash every time I open a new tab. Wish there was an eye comfort setting.

The top URL input bar has a washed out grey. Which there was more contract between functional and non functional parts of the UI, even when the functional parts are not focused.

I used to hear the cooling fan go on overdrive on the previous version, but I'm using it since 8 hours with no noise.


It didn't stress my mac as much as the previous version.


Too light and contrast is too low

Oh shit, this is new? 😅 Canary releases are spoiling me :D

Please let me close the browser via Cmd+Q so I don't have to rage force quit it every time


Love the redesign. Was super excited when this landed in Canary


"Hold Cmd+Q to quit" is the most annoying thing any software has ever introduced. And I was here for After Effects CC2017 update

Zackary Kim
very smart moves from Google. most people outside of a very technical arena don't even understand what https is or the dns server it is accessing. By transitioning its design language to material, google is unifying the designs of its products (gmail, chrome) to all feel a bit familiar
Now, my +40 opened tabs look awful 😂
@daniel_nenek_ I am guessing that the answer is likely to be what I’m taking this comment to mean, but, any chance that they’ve gone ahead and made a UI change or at the very least perhaps a configurable preference option to NOT make the browser borderline unusable when I’ve got more than ~20 tabs open? I’ve never understood *why* the Chrome desktop app devs weirdly chose to make each tab in the tab bar shrink to a progressively smaller size. Surely we can’t be the only ones who have such browsing habits...even if it does tend to place an increased workload on your machine (especially taxing the hell out of RAM & eating up disk space with cache like mad). Sure, there’s available extensions like “OneTab” or more appropriately, “The Great Suspenders” which can mitigate these issues to a significant degree when you’ve got 4-5 windows of Chrome open, 350-400 tabs total as I admittedly often do...but the basic user experience even running far fewer open tabs in a singular window leaves MUCH to be desired. Makes no sense to me that the default (actually, the ONLY, unless I’m unaware) behavior in these situations is to leave you with a mess of unidentifiable individual tabs denoted by their singular action button to close them; you don’t even see any of the page title nor a favicon. IDK, perhaps I’m being unreasonably annoyed by this but it really irks me. Bugs me to the same extent that my strange tab-crazy browsing habits seem to legitimately annoy the hell out of like 30% of people when they notice it.
Dave Poly
My browser hasn't updated yet but after reading these reviews/comments I'm not sure I want it to? 🤔
Ricki Y. HAN

It's hard tell which host I was browsing since the Chrome team turn on this feature: chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains


tell me about it


WHY Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme and Trivial Subdomains

Yegor Mytrofanov
Good job, Joel! Happy for you dude!
Vighnesh S S Sable
It's amazing I am excited to use it with massive curve design and 18:9 with notch
Emmanuel Lemor

Never been a huge fan of Chrome due to it's hoggish nature, lack of good privacy, sub-par Inspect Element feature, etc... [should I mention that it updates itself when it wants to - it hadn't updated my Chrome since v59 and claimed that there were no updates when I tried forcing it to].

This feels like a version update to make some noise around it's 10yr anniversary but not really something that is going to make that big a difference in the world of browsers...

Wish Google would truly try to innovate and rethink browsing ENTIRELY like Opera did with their concept browser: Opera Neon


I guess we could it call it something new


When Show Bookmarks Bar is on, visual white gutter height not adjusted - doesn't seem so polished

Lori Orchow

It's about time it is well-rounded LOL


Looks snazzier


Slow at times

Gezim Hoxha
I’ve been a safari loyalist and launched chrome yesterday for first time in a while. I was pleasantly surprised by the speed and clean look. It beat Firefox and Safari. It’s possible it just felt faster since the loading of pages is vastly different. Safari seems to like to load the whole page before showing you much.