Google Search Features are Awesome
I love using these features and I just can't keep it to myself!
98% of people don't know how to use them correctly. Here are 11 Google search tricks that will make your life easier ↓↓↓
1. "Phrase Search" Wrap your search words in quotes for precise results. All outputs will include your exact phrase.
2. "Minus Sign - " To omit a word from your search, prefix it with a dash. Example: jaguar -car This will show results for the animal jaguar, not the car brand Jaguar.
3. "Tilde Usage ~ " Apply a tilde to display synonyms in the search outcomes. Example: gardening ~guides This yields results for gardening guides, tutorials, manuals, etc.
4. "Site Search" Employ this to search solely within a chosen website. Example: chocolate cake site:bakingworld. com This looks for chocolate cake recipes on the specified website (bakingworld dot com)
5. "Vertical Bar" Acts similar to the OR operator. Example: Cake | Cookies Translates as Cake OR Cookies.
6. "Double Dots" Implement double dots to search within a numerical range. Example: laptops $200..$500 This searches for laptops priced between $200 and $500.
7. "Location-Based Search" Utilize this feature to find news tied to a specific locale. Example: Tech Startup location:austin This finds news about Tech Startups in Austin.
8. "Filetype" Leverage this to search for a specific file format correlated to your query. Example: chocolate cake recipe filetype:doc This filters out non-doc type chocolate cake recipes from your search results.
9. "Allititle: " Use this for searching for anything within that title Like allintitle:Best Cakes Recipe 2023 Google will show all results for this title
10. "Related" Find sites that are similar to other sites Search: related: https:/x. com/ Will show you all the sites related to X.
11. "vs" Compare two or more things using “vs” Just search: India VS Australia You already know the results
12. Bonus "Play Games" Explore Google's range of integrated games like Pac-Man and Solitaire. Need a coin flip or dice roll? Just ask Google
What are your thoughts? Do you use them too?