Jack Smith

New Google Calendar - Google is launching a new look + new features for Calendar


Google Calendar is rolling out a new look for users. Click here to enable it on your person Google accounts (look for the "Use New Google Calendar" button on the top right). For company accounts, ask your admin to enable it✨

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Wesley Forlines
A change to Google Calendar?? First time since when… 2005?
Jack Smith
this is rolling out to Google Apps users first (you have to enable it). It looks cool, I've got it enabled, but it will break some extensions if you use those. Click this link to get access: https://calendar.google.com/cale... (h/t Techcrunch)
Glenn Berkshier
No update love for me with that link. :-/ Guess I'll just keep waiting.
@grberk it's not working?
Danny Halarewich
@_jacksmith not working for me either. Using a Google Business account
Jack Smith
@halarewich if you have a Google Business account, then follow the instructions here: https://support.google.com/a/ans... "To choose the Manual option, go to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > New Calendar. Here, you can set by organizational unit when you’d like your users to access the new version of the Calendar UI."
Glenn Berkshier
@marcsnyder I have a Google Apps/Gsuite domain and accounts. I just saw someone else's post that explained that this had to be changed in the calendar app settings in the admin portal. I found it and made the change to default everyone to the new calendar, but it has to roll out. We'll see what happens...
Harrison Malone

Long term user of Google Calendar and always been a huge advocate. There are probably better calendar apps out there but the way Google auto syncs my events and flights (from emails) is something that I can't live without.


Seems like everything will flow way better with what I've already got in iOS. I'm still in love with material design.


Still wish they did reminders in a slightly more intuitive way.


Every time Google updates a design it increases the size of the fonts, make bigger buttons and add more white space. Why? Not everybody wants less information in the page.




The labs complements stopped working. At least the ones I used, like the world clock

Melissa Grody
World Clock is still there. It's now a setting. I miss it being on the right though. It now appears on the left when you turn it on.
Erick Barron
Wow, finally their Calendar gets a better look.
Dream Calendars
@erickbarron86 I love the new Google calendar. I make my own designs and offer a free calendar (https://www.dreamcalendars.com/c...). Can you evaluate in your opinion?
Anyone with a G Suite account able to do this upgrade? I personally can't get the button to show up but can on my personal account.
Renato Ruk
@jkhco I have the exact same issue. Have you found the workaround?
Naitik Mehta
@jkhco @renato_ruk You need to manually enable it for your G-Suite users from Admin Panel > Apps > Calendar > Enable new calendar.
Renato Ruk
@jkhco @naitik_17 Great! Thank you for the quick reply, switching between the new (private account) and the old one (business) would definitely be an odd experience. :)
Jack Smith
@jkhco @renato_ruk if you have a Google Business account, then follow the instructions here: https://support.google.com/a/ans... "To choose the Manual option, go to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > New Calendar. Here, you can set by organizational unit when you’d like your users to access the new version of the Calendar UI."
Adheen Ajay
One of the much awaited features.!
Karim Maassen
Thanks, Google Celander team! Finally! That's night and day.
Hrant Arzumanyan
I've been using Google Calendar for many years. I think it looks cool now :)
Kevin Lou

It's a welcome update!


Loving the refreshed design, and ease of navigation!


Interface feels a bit cluttered, but hopefully that changes soon.


It's good. Really good.


It is simple and easy to use. It also has apps for all platforms and syncs easily


It could have more integrations with 3rd party apps

Alex H
Well, I don't have the option to use it yet....So yay?
Alex H
@brockgazure I think it's because I am using the enterprise version and my company needs to enable it.....
Alan Houser
@_jacksmith Try the new Calendar: 1. On a computer, open Google Calendar. 2. On the top right of your screen click Use new Calendar. 3. To go back to the old Calendar at any time, click Settings Settings and then Back to classic Calendar. Note: If you cannot see "Use new Calendar", the new Calendar isn’t available for your account yet.
Jack Smith
@brockgazure if you have a Google Business account, then follow the instructions here: https://support.google.com/a/ans... "To choose the Manual option, go to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > New Calendar. Here, you can set by organizational unit when you’d like your users to access the new version of the Calendar UI."
Jamie Martin
Remember to turn off Ink for Google if you have that extension :)
Mark Espinola
+ Great job Google on a fresh, clean, intuitive update to the existing calendar functionality 👍 - Nothing earth shattering in term of new, innovative functionality.
Francesco D'Alessio
Very nice update to Google Calendar! Lots of snazzy new bells + whistles!
I think they did a really amazing job. Here's to the next version in 8 years!
Evgen Schastnyy
As for me, it doesn't look optimized for smaller screens... ( the width of my laptop's is 1440 and I'd like it to be more clear. But in the end of the day, I like it. Thanks for sharing
Alex Bass
Love the 4 day view. Using that now and it is very clean. Love keyboard shortcuts and they just feel more inviting now (ctrl or shift + / to view I think). This is so long overdue but so greatly appreciated. It is so clean and a joy to use now. I'm using a bunch of additional functionality like emailing event participants from calendar and such. I feel like many of these features existed before but I never actually used them. There is something to the new UX that is causing me to find new features and want to use them naturally. That's the definition of great UX. Very impressed and happy that Google finally pushed out a much needed update to such a core service of theirs!
Joannie Huang

Overall is much better and improved than the older version. I love it.


The view is more fresh and comfortable to look up the schedule at a glance


It's more clean if the left column can be collapsed

Mukshi Sharma
@deleted-359395 Agree with you, I also design calendars http://dailyprintablecalendar.com/ see if you find some useful things.
Nico Lumma
that was long overdue.
Nishu Chaudhary
Thank you very a lot for these extraordinary designs. I’m going to download it now. I’m looking ahead to new ones! https://printthecalendar.com/