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Nick Abouzeid
Smart Reply in Gmail — Quick suggested responses for emails, using machine learning
Ryan Hoover
I love this as someone that spends SO much time in my inbox, often replying to cold emails with a similar response. On the other hand, things like this might make us more robotic and transactional in our communication. Thoughts, @prlambert?
Paul Lambert
@rrhoover A common initial misconception of Smart Reply is that it's a fully-contained automatic reply that will send after you tap. In Gmail & Inbox it doesn't work like that – it prefills a compose window, so you can always modify before it sends. Many people do, they use it as an 'accelerator' to get started, but still add personal touches.
andreas jonsson
@prlambert A common misconception or suboptimal design. May I suggest a redesign to emphasize exactly what you say the feature does? I too thought it would instantly send, as I believe the design suggests it will.
Ben Tossell
this has been on inbox by Google for a while... was only a matter of time!
Alan Seideman
Can google please just handle all of it for me... Read it, reply, have the calls, meetings, etc. I'm ready for my Universal Basic Income ;)
Jordan Gonen
This will win big!
Mark Newhouse
I see on my phone app but not on my computer why?
Uh oh, let's be careful about this... Avogadro Corp, I mean Google, might end up creating our ELOPe...
Paul Lambert
Hey ya'll, I was the PM on this. If you have any easy questions happy to answer. :)
✎ Andrew Warner
@prlambert any chance you'll add it to the desktop version of gmail? It's my favorite way to respond.
Paul Lambert
@andrewwarner Great to hear that! Here's the response we gave VentureBeat: "We asked Google if the company plans to bring Smart Reply to Gmail on the web, and a spokesperson replied the team is “heavily considering this as a future feature, but we don’t have any current plans to share.”"
Vlad Goloshchuk
@prlambert Hi Paul. Is there a plan to setup an API for this? For example invite 3rd party developers to develop smarter replies?