
Gluten Scan - Scan a product and get its gluten presence


Hard to know if a product contains gluten ? Scan it !
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Kadir Inip
This can be improved not only by celiac but for others also who want to learn the ingredients of a product and the possible harmful effects. For example, let's say GlutenScan keep my diseases and information about my health and respond to me when I scan something in the Wallmart "wow this is not good for you as you have diabetes" etc.
@kdrnp Thank you for your message ! Yes that's a good idea ! (I would need to change the app name though) Some people asked me to implement the concept for other allergens / diseases. So the need seems to be present
Kadir Inip
@sebastien_c1 This is awesome, I would like to see the new product, so I am closely following you :) Good luck.
@kdrnp Thank you ! I'll keep you informed if i build this new product or include these features !
Hi Product hunters ! 👋 Gluten Scan aims to help people trying to avoid products containing gluten. With Gluten Scan you can: - Scan the barcode of a product and quickly see if it contains gluten or not (orange: gluten | green: gluten-free) - Share your recipes with others (or just keep them privately in your phone) - Add scanned products as ingredients of your recipes - Note products you liked or not - Discover new gluten free products - Contribute if a product has wrong/missing informations Hope it will help some people ! Any feedback appreciated 🔥 * Additional informations: - 33 000 scans last month - You can see the number of product listed in your country here: Have a nice day ☀️
Dan Globber
this is awesome, and could serve as a base for more spinoffs like nuts, high fructose corn syrup etc.
@dang_1977 Thank you Dan. Yes the app could be adapted for more substances. I'm thinking of a new version of the app that would ask the user the allergen type at the beginning and adapting according to this choice after
Great app, functional, very practical and easy to use. it has really improved my daily life and helped me a lot to know all products that are not good for me
@marie_le_khg Thank you for your message Marie ! Hope the app will continue to help you !
Avi Parshan
what's the profit strategy?
@avi_parshan There's no profit yet, but I'm trying to get gluten free brands to pay to promote their new products. Like an affiliation program. The other possibility is to make a premium subscription to have unlimited scans. But at the moment it's completely free I did it in my free time
great ! does it work internationally or france only ?
@jordansuccar Hi Jordan, this works well for France, United States, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Ireland, Australia. The other countries have few products listed. The full list is available in my first comment. Thank you for your message !
James Quinn
Really helpful for some of my friends who can't eat gluten products! Thanks for sharing.
@james_afino Thank you James, don't hesitate if you have any feedback from your friends !
Made with Flutter?
@mcflydev Yes !