
Glug - Creative communities around the world, inspiring talks

Based around a series of talks and informal networking, Glug has become one of the most exciting, credible and well-attended creative events around. It all started in an East End London pub in '07, we're now championing creativity and design in 25+ cities around the world.

A real-life creative social network.

Get in touch to host your own Glug.

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Hello @typecally @nickclement I recently discovered Glug and fell in love with the mission, I see communities as one of the fastest growing verticals within tech. Please tell us more about the story, and how the creative scene has changed in the ten year since you started. 🙂
Nick Clement
Hi @abadesi, thanks for hunting us! Many things come and go with regards to creativity and technology, but the main thing that we see is how events like Glug helps to open up creative communities in cities that may have once had a small and very competitive design/creative scene, it's lead to more collaboration and interesting ways of working.
Craig Barber
Go team Glug!
Nick Clement
If anyone would like to watch our incredible speaker videos, they can be viewed at www.glugevents.com/watch
Greig Cranfield

Glug is a must if you want to be entertained and meet good folk.


Always a great crowd of awesome people

