
Glide - Enhanced reading experience

In an age where our screens are cluttered with ads and other distractions, Glide helps you focus while reading. Whether your reading a news article from a website or reading an ebook, Glide highlights the line your reading.

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Jeff Man
Way cool 😎
Hey Product Hunt ! This is a simple but helpful Mac app that I made for those who read long text on your screen everyday. The app highlights the area that you are reading so that you can stay focused and avoid distractions. Would really appreciate your feedback.
Daniel Rascon
This is really cool!
Been searching for an app like this. The app is really nice, but I think some shortcuts should be added like to swap between reading modes or even hiding the menu bar while still using the focus mode. You can also add customization to the size or even the color scheme of the focused line. The shaded part can be too dark for multitasking and swapping between the reading material and the note taking app. I always use the simple red line but it can block titles of tabs or when I'm trying to input text where it blocks the view of the entire line. It would be nice if I could adjust the space between the line and the cursor. Hoping that there will be some updates soon