
GitLab Employee Handbook - Gitlab has open sourced their employee handbook


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Sam Cambridge
"Having pets, children, significant others, friends and family visible during video chats is encouraged. If they are human, ask them to wave at your remote team member to say 'Hi'." This is so, so, so, so good. Immensely important in a remote team! Bravo
Sytse Sijbrandij
@samcambridge Thanks! Today we had a team member with a cat clamping to the top of the back seat of his Ikea chair as he swiveled. It was hilarious. I only have a picture of the cat after the fact http://imgur.com/a/aedNO
Daniel F Lopes
This is stellar. Congrats Gitlab team for making this open sourced. A lot of companies will benefit.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@danflopes Thanks Daniel! We hope that many organizations can reuse (part of) our handbook. It has been great having people apply because they like the way we would. And we also look forward to receiving contributions and making the handbook better together.
Clement Ho
Thanks for doing this. This is really encouraging to see and I hope other companies can follow suit.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@clemmakesapps Thanks Clement. We certainly also hope more companies will open up their processes and go Remote Only http://www.remoteonly.org/
Awesome that's a big step forward, wish to see more companies doing it.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@sandroadamia It happens, here are some examples http://www.nasdaq.com/article/6-... but most seem not to be updated nor can you see the change process. You can view our changes at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/ww...
@sytses Thank u for sharing, we are also putting a lot effort in our handbook, but currently it's private.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@sandroadamia Cool, I hope you can share it some day, but no pressure.
Eric Posen
This is great. We implemented our handbook at ~10 employees (much earlier than most startups) and it has been a huge hit. Frankly, I don't know how anybody can get past 20 employees without one.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@goeric Same for us. We grew from 9 people in March 2015 to over 90 now. It went very smooth and I think the handbook was a big part of it.
Gideon Farrell
Thanks for open-sourcing this. It's been really interesting to read as the founder of a v young company where we still have so much of this sort of stuff to codify.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@gideonfarrell You're very welcome. Consider using our stuff as a template and customize it to your needs. The full history should be available so you can also go back in time to when we were smaller. If you do this don't forget to send back some of you improvements to us.
Jason Kyle Scott
Solid work, very straight forward and seems to embody Gitlab's corporate spirit well. I did some spot checking for a project I'm wrapping up now. Thanks for a great reference.
Sytse Sijbrandij
@jasonkylescott Thanks for your comment and tweet, much appreciated.
John Schuster
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for making this available @gitlab!
Alexander Flatter
This document is incredibly inspiring and a must-read for remote teams.
This is Huuugeee!
Anna Golovchenko
This is one of my most favourite employee handbook since I've started looking for such a materials in 2013! Thank you so much for promoting the idea of Transparency of internal documents and special thanks for OKRs section and making them public 💛