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Joana Sala i Ferrer
Tsunami Democràtic App — A platform for coordination of peaceful civil disobedience.
Tsunami Democràtic App - A platform for coordination of peaceful civil disobedience actions. Citizens can share their availability, resources and aproximate location to help coordinate civil disobedience actions and achieve change faster.
Pedro J. Martínez
Please, read all the comments here. They're hiding/flagging the comments which disagree with their opinion.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@inthe0n Hi Pedro, nobody is hidings/flagging your comments other than ProductHunt's algorithms. I have replied and thanked you for your comment below. Happy to answer any questions you might have about product and technology.
Best app ever to empower people against an entire state repression where a political discussion is banned from a fake democracy.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
Hi, Product Hunt! 👋🏻 We are hundreds of thousands of citizens from Tsunami Democràtic (@tsunami_dem) based in Catalonia. We're excited to start sharing this first version of our Android App and getting your feedback. While technology has made our lives easier and more manageable in many ways, it is just in the last couple of years that we have seen its impact in helping citizens organize protests around causes to achieve change faster. Looking at hundreds of campaigns over the last century, Erica Chenoweth, a political scientist at Harvard University, found that nonviolent campaigns are twice as likely to achieve their goals as violent campaigns. She has shown that it takes around 3.5% of the population actively participating in the protests to ensure serious political change. Over the past few months, we’ve been building a set of civic technology tools to empower citizens to organize more efficiently and achieve change faster. This week we’ve launched and tested the first version of our Android app. It has successfully helped tens of thousands of Catalans to protest by blocking the Pyrenees border highway with concerts, dinners, and camps. Join us as we build and test #civictech in Catalonia to empower its citizens to protest peacefully and effectively towards change. Happy to answer any questions you might have!
Tania Esteve Head
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga Hola Manolo! (porque obviamente Joana no es tu nombre auténtico y la foto parece sacada de un catálogo de moda, lo cual es comprensible dado que hay en curso una investigación judicial). Llamar cívica a esta aplicación, destinada a colapsar la vida diaria de los catalanes debe ser una broma. Saludos!
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga @taniahead12 Tu comentario tampoco contaria, por tu foto como mínimo te has comido a una persona. No vale el 2 x 1
Tania Esteve Head
@xussof_x no tengas miedo a los gordos. En general son buena gente y no joroban la vida a los demás.
antoni borrut
@tsunami_dem @s3rrallonga @taniahead12 No tan graciosa ni tan maloliente como la farsa en que se ha convertido el régimen del 78 con "UVE PALITO" al frente. Que te indignen acciones para llamar la atención con el fin de que la gente se dé cuenta de la injustícia, y quedarse quietecito ante ERE's GURTEL',s atraco del fondo de pensiones, y cientos de tropelías más, demuestra el grado de castración de la mayoría de españoles.
Tania Esteve Head
@xussof_x ¿quién te dice que no la he probado, lumbreras?
Peatón en Acción
If any government has a coordination center for police and other repressive forces, Tsunami Democratic App is the equivalent for protesters. Welcome to XXI Century society!
Peatón en Acción
Visca Catalunya lliure!!
Luis Galisteo Villarreal
Sense llibertat no hi-a res.
Luis Galisteo Villarreal
Gracies m'encanta
Margarita Perez
Catalonia is not spain
Miquel Angel Rodriguez Arias
When the violence of the establishment and old-fashioned states is used sistematically against citizens that only claim to apply basic human rights, then you are morally obliged to stand up and react. If not you are following a path to XXIst century slavery and oblivion. Tsunami is a technology and a tool to raise non-violently in defense of human rights
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@miquel_angel_rodriguez_arias Thank you for your comment Miquel. Yes, we think that civic technology product like these we'll be more prominent in global situations like we've seen in Chile, Hong Kong, Bolivia, Nicaragua, France and Spain.
Marc Francesch Camps
While Spain is just able to use police force against democratic aspirations, technology is helping people to organize themselves against repression and persecution.
Isaac Tintó
Go Catalonia! Go democracy!
Di-Ann Eisnor
This is a global need and important product. Thank you!
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@dianneisnor Thank you Di-Ann! Yes, we think that civic technology product like these we'll be crucial to help solve global challenges like Climate Change protests and actions, protests for democracy in Hong Kong, protests against inequality in Chile, etc...
Edu Cano
Great tool to empower civic society to peacefully push for democracy and civil rights.
Joana Sala i Ferrer
@xavi1 Thank you Xavi! Yes, this is exactly the reason why we are building these products.
Mal Dulls
Lytus V
Go cat!
The Debunker
As our right are being taken away Tsunami has created an app to help and organize ourselves to protest against this violation of our first amendment rights. This is an app for and by the people that can bring everyone together to fight for the same cause. We are all tsunami, and tsunamis can't be stopped.
Enric Baya
The best product in democracy
Eustaqui Eustaqui
Because we can made more things without a governament that send us into jails only to make some protests. Free Catalán Politiciens Prisoners.
We can show the real harm this app has made to Catalunya. I love Catalunya.