Tim Carambat

ProductHunt Wrapped - Maker or Hunter see how you added to the PH community!


Hey you! Yes, you! You're part of the Product Hunt community! Whether you are making those great products, hunting the amazing ones, upvoting the ones you especially love, or just discussing them - see how you impacted PH this year with ProductHunt Wrapped!

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Ryan Hoover
So cool. Here's mine!
Tim Carambat
Still inspired by Spotify, but even more, emboldened now by the recent launch of devwrapped.com (for Github year in reviews). I decided to refit that very same logic and style, but this time - for the community itself! Is it meta? Yes. Is it directly endorsed by Product Hunt? No. This is for the community by the community ❀️. Is it cool to see how you contributed to the community at large and see your hottest project - or maybe even your hottest huntπŸ”₯? πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@tim_carambat very cool β€” but now that you work at Product Hunt you need to greatly improve the reliability of the API! I keep getting (also, notice the typo): "Sorry! The service isnt available due to load. Try again in about 7 minutes."
Tim Carambat
@tim_carambat @chrismessina Hey! I applied to use the API and got a key but don't have access to the higher limit rate at this time. πŸ˜” Seems like all it takes is someone who has 140 Hunts and 800+ likes to bring my available rate down to 0! When I was testing it, believe me, I was able to easily blow away my API limit on a single call with @rrhoover 's tag. I had to even build in some upper limits to stop asking for more data for some metrics so that others even have a chance!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@tim_carambat yeah, I'm guessing it'll never run on me then... lol
Tim Carambat
@tim_carambat @chrismessina Nonsense, just had to wait for the limit to roll and add a hard cap on the hunter projects sections! You are, after all, the #1 Product Hunter! http://producthunt.devwrapped.co...
Michael Sieb
Joined the PH community on June 7th this year and have been active every day since then.😻 The best thing is that I met so many great people.πŸ™
Tim Carambat
@michael_sieb You were busy this year πŸ‘€! Over halfway to the vote count cap (due to API) of 500!
Tim Carambat
@jaisalr 🧠 Great idea!! I would love to have the image be pre-saved for the share card but I dont pre-save the results as images - they are rendered on click! Could easily add a button to share the link though!
Divyansh Patel
Congrats on the launch @tim_carambat Pretty much wraps up the whole year. In the beginning had some issues fetching the data, indicating too much traffic on the website.
Tim Carambat
@tim_carambat @divjpatel Yes, the API limit is rather low 😩. Sometimes you have to wait in line a bit for it to refresh. Luckily its not an hour window - its about 15 minutes.
Viktor Solovej
I will be a good boy the next year :)
Samir Rashed
I think PH experience was one of the awesome things that happened to me in this Year - thanks for all awesome team https://plus.premast.com thanks all PH community - thanks @momen_elshamy
Giacinto Carlucci
Cool! Would be great to have a comparison between different years for older users!
Geert Jan Sloos
Trying to be more active in 2021 :-)
Tim Carambat
@payrequest 41 comments is a lot! Im also going to be more active as well next yearπŸ‘Œ
Todd Cooper
Congrats on the launch! You did an amazing job there!
Max Prilutskiy
Congrats on the launch! πŸ’―
Marlon Barksdale
This looks really useful, sharing with our whole team!
Scott Destruction
Interesting idea!
Bryan Parson