Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦

GiftHub - Headache-free gift-picking, powered by AI

GiftHub is a web app that helps pick gifts for anybody within seconds.
Just enter the Instagram @handle of a gift-receiver or a link to his/her profile. Our algorithm will analyze the account and offer a list of gifts especially for this person

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Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
Hey-Hey Product Hunt! 👋 My name is Ihor, I am the CEO and co-founder of GiftHub 🎁 Together with my co-founders Ira, Yana and Olexiy we’re thrilled to finally launch on Product Hunt! GiftHub story started almost 2 years ago when my girlfriend broke up with me because I presented her a pillow as a gift. For her, pillow appeared to be such a bad gift, that she thought I knew nothing about her and we couldn’t be together anymore. I felt bad. But that was exactly the moment when I understood for sure that picking the right gift is a real and sometimes painful problem. So I decided to try to tackle it. And now, it’s been already more than a year since we’re helping people pick gifts for their closest ones. Till this moment, we were only operating on our local market with a chatbot solution. But today is the day when we’re ready to present our new and international solution - a faster and smarter one! Welcome GiftHub — a web app that picks gifts by analyzing Instagram profiles of the gift-receivers. Just enter a nickname or a link to the page of a person and our smart algorithm will show you a list of tailored gifts for him/her. Moreover, you can click on any gift from the list and order it online from our partner online-shop. You don’t know what gift to buy ➡ you are waiting for it to be delivered. That's a customer journey we want to achieve for you! Soo, we encourage you to share what you think about our product! We are working on a mission of connecting people with each other by helping them express feelings through the right gifts, so any feedback would be of great-great importance! 🔥
Gerry Eng
@ihor_levenets1 Hi Ihor, the website's homepage design is copied from counter.network, you should change it
Kovenko Olexiy
@ihor_levenets1 @gerryeng Hi! I am CTO of GiftHub. Your truth. I found this background picture in the Bulma examples (https://bulma.io/expo/) and decided that this picture is free. Therefore, I will change it in the near future to another one. Sorry about this.
Gerry Eng
@ihor_levenets1 @kovolexiy thank you. I will remove my post when it has been changed. Great product btw. upvoted.
⚜ ℳ𝒶𝓇𝓋𝒾𝓃 ⚜
@ihor_levenets1 @gerryeng @kovolexiy Maybe use one of these beautiful free templates: https://cruip.com/
Avery Schrader
Looks pretty interesting! I guess over time you would increase the number of potiential gifts and the "search" relevancy. Cool idea, what are your next plans?
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@avery_schrader thanks Avery! Yup, we're working on making our gift base bigger and the algorithm is improving with each new session. As for the plans, we want to add some enhanced image recognition of different objects on pictures for the better quality of gift-picking. Also, we'll integrate with other online shops besides Amazon and add some services as gifts 🎁 Let me know if you have any more feedback!
Avery Schrader
@ihor_levenets1 Have you thought about distributing the bot a-crossed many platforms? Facebook, etc. I think Facebook would be the easiest way to build a huge user base.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@avery_schrader we're thinking about adding a feature of reminding people about birthdays of their friends, relatives and others through FB chatbot as a first step. That must keep the retention high.
Vitaly Kotik
Awesome work! I think on a large scale this product has a bright future. Very simple, lots of value both b2c and b2b
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@vitaly_kotik yup, the market is just huge! Do we need to tailor it anyhow for B2B, what you think?
Vitaly Kotik
@ihor_levenets1 I think if you manage to show GifHub users products from small and midsize e-commerce, you will find an economic gap similar to the gap Uber filled. it can be a revolutionary source of traffic for small e-commerce businesses
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@vitaly_kotik interesting. We were thinking about that but were afraid that people do not really trust other online shops besides Amazon. But we'll reconsider it, thanks!
Vitaly Kotik
@ihor_levenets1 I'm not an expert but Amazon doesn't feel any problems with incoming demand and marketing and I suppose it will be hard to monetise it with them. Small e-commerce, on the contrary, is desperately in need of new way to market their goods and get customers. Plus, I suppose that small e-commerce has a lot of unique products to offer, which is very much aligned with you value proposition. Think about it this way. You sell ideas of gifts. But I can think of everything ordinary myself. Suggest something I wouldn't think about - and that's where you need small unique shops
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@vitaly_kotik got it! Will try to reach out small online-shops, it makes sense, thanks!
Hi, how much info does have to be on one's IG account? I tried to test it on me but I got a message that I don't have enough information on my account. To be honest, I don't post that much to the feed (12 posts currently). Love the idea though :) I always struggle with this.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@tinymusiclama hi Kat! Thanks for a question and your feedback. Well, first of all, the profile has to be public. Isn't your profile private? If it's private, we can only analyze your gender and age from the avatar picture (if there's a selfie on it). Secondly, we analyze text you add to the description of your posts. Do you post text?
@ihor_levenets1 Hi Ihor! thank you for the reply! My profile is public but as I'm looking through my posts there is not much text to them and sometimes it's not in English so that may be the problem - very understandable. I was kind of wondering what you analyze :)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@tinymusiclama as our product partly works on text recognition algorithm, only English text can be analyzed :( But our plans are to enhance our image recognition algorithm as well so that anything on the pictures can be analyzed. Pictures are the universal language, fortunately ;)
@ihor_levenets1 Sounds good! Good luck :) FYI just tried it on a friend and it gave me really good suggestions :)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@tinymusiclama happy to hear that, I hope you'll remember about us when there's a real need to buy a gift for that friend 🔥
Andrey Anisimov
Really cool! I’ve tested on my friends Instagram - not bad suggestions.)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@andrey_anisimov glad it's helpful! Would you buy anything from the list?
Roman Sevast
Works super awesome! This website really does its job!
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@roman_sevastyanov thanks man! Don't forget to use it when there's a real need for gift-picking (:
Vladimir Savvakin
Hey guys! To be honest, my gift options usually come down to primitive ones without a bit of creativity. I want to test your solution ASAP. Thanks for extending my gift options list. Keep up the good work!
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@vladimir_savvakin thanks for your feedback! Btw, as for the options list, now we offer 16 gifts for each person. What do you think, should we add more at once or this is enough?
Vladimir Savvakin
@ihor_levenets1 I believe it depends on the accuracy of your algorithm. If it displays high relevance options - it is more than enough. But sometimes, when we want to pick a gift very carefully, a wider offer list can be decisive.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@vladimir_savvakin got'ya, thanks for an answer!
Joshua Dance
When I heard 'powered by AI' I think probably doesn't work. What does the AI actually do?
Kovenko Olexiy
@joshdance Hi! Our AI can analyze photos, captions and comments and then determine gifts which are the most relevant for Instagram-page. Besides AI trains on every result of analyzing: it remembers which gifts were clicked and for which parameters.
Vladyslav Siriniok
@joshdance @kovolexiy You should probably try to analyze "following" accounts as well, people often follow small shops, thematic blogs, etc.
Kovenko Olexiy
@vladyslav_siriniok thanks, this is a good idea, but it is too difficult to implement right now. I would be grateful if you would share your thoughts on how we can to identify categories of shops, thematic blogs, etc.
Andrii Konovalenko
Works good! I’ve tested on my own Instagram account - nice suggestions)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@andrii_konovalenko cool! Thanks for a feedback <3
Milena Vasilieva
I love the product! Smart and simple!
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@milena_vasilieva happy about that! Yeah, we wanted to make simplicity the core of the product :)
Дима Носов
Wow, it's very interesting. I always have a problem with gifts and I hope, that now this problem will be solved. But now, I must register in Instagram my grandmother:)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@new_user_210c04835f just wait a little bit when we add a web-chatbot for this kind of occasions 🙏
Jamie Slate
GiftHub is a sleek and simple way for me to get gift ideas for my friends. I'm looking forward to using it and also seeing how it grows.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@jamie_slate thanks for your feedback, Jamie! We'll keep you updated ;)
Ghost Kitty
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Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@ihor_levenets1 @arpitgupta yes, it is! Try now :)
Dasha Afonina
Wow, selecting gifts is my weak spot,hope your app can help me with that:)
Sam Rodríguez Rivera
Will the search be extended to other social media or will it stick to Instagram?
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@sam_rodriguez_rivera well, Instagram is our focus as for now. But yeah, we understand that not everybody has an Instagram account. To cover those people, we plan to add to the site a web-chatbot that will pick gifts based on a Q&A algorithm. And after that, we may think about analyzing other social media as well, thanks for an insight!
Anastasia Avramenko
Wow! Looks decent! What is your road map guys?
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@anastasia_avramenko thanks for your feedback! We plan to add more gifts in our data base, integrate with more shops besides Amazon, add a web-chatbot on the site to cover people without Instagram account and maybe create a Facebook chatbot for reminding people about birthdays of their closest ones.
Conrad Ehinger
Interesting idea, but when i look at multiple people, it seems the gifts are a bit repetitive.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@conrad_ehing oh, it actually depends on profiles being analyzed. Overal our gift base is ~400 products as for now but if the algorithm doesn't recognize enough data in the profile, it chooses among 60-80 products. But we'll keep adding more gifts, thanks for your insight!
Naga Raju
This is a great idea . I am sure that this idea work.
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@nagarajugajula thanks for believing in us! :)
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
Olha Ruda
Nice! Tried with my insta account and got some gifts options I'd really love to recieve ^^
Ihor Levenets 🇺🇦
@olha_ruda awesome, just let your friends know about us in this case.. before your birthday ;)