Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Gibbon for iPhone - Playlists for learning, now on the go

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Wouter de Bres
I am a co-founder and designer @ Gibbon. Really proud that we shipped our iPhone app today. If you guys have any questions please let me know. Also if you come across any bugs, don't hesitate to send me an email on wouter[at]
Yury Lifshits
@wdeb Awesome launch! What are the current barriers for people to learn more stuff on mobile?
Gibbon is one of Holland's more promising startups if you ask me - really like the concept and hopefully this app will push me into learning some new stuff!
Wout Laban
@juliangijsen Thanks Julian! What are you currently learning on Gibbon, and maybe start your own playlist sometime?
@woutlaban I'll dive into some playlists on statistics & growth strategies for inspiration =) starting my own playlist sounds nice, but I'm not sure if I have enough time for it to be honest! Think I'm more a consumer than creator ;-)
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
These guys are on a roll! Now that Gibbon is available for iPhone, more people can learn my class From getting ideas to creating a startup ;) Maybe @WdeB or @WoutLaban can answer some questions!
Wout Laban
For sure @bramk, thanks! Would love to hear your thoughts, feedback etc.
Solene MaƮtre
This is great! Congrats guys, I was waiting for the iPhone app for a while!
Wout Laban
@solenema Thanks :D!
Simon Guigue
Congrats for this new release. I'm interested to know how the switch from iPad to iPhone changes the way pro designers like you consider your product. Could you elaborate for us on how did you adapt your (awesome) design for this iPhone version: like, did you have to face some issue concerning the display of key info? Or did this iPhone app change your view on some of the core values?
Wouter de Bres
@s_guigue With the iPad app I already designed it with the iPhone app in mind. First I made a quick&dirty html/css mockup of the layout of th app so I could preview it on all iPhone sizes. When I settled on the layout I started the visual design in sketch (
Lvan Rogers
Nice!! But what Gibbon actually do? Could you check my, profile, please?