Sharif Khalladi

​ Ghost Browser 2.0 - ​ The productivity browser that helps you get stuff done. 👻


Ghost Browser 2.0 is a task based productivity browser that helps you get stuff done.

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Sharif Khalladi
​Web browsers... you can't live with 'em... you can't live without em... If you're anything like me you tried the new Firefox Quantum last month (and eventually switched back after realizing it can't handle the 200 tabs you always keep open), you were on Opera Neon faster than you bred your first "CryptoKitty" after seeing that launch video (we love you Opera) and when Brave launched a cryptocurrency called BAT, well... you just had to call your parents to let them know. Anyhow - it's likely you've also heard of Ghost Browser (based on Chromium - so you can use all your favorite Chrome plugins), which I stumbled upon about a year ago. I've been playing around with an early access version of their new 2.0 browser and really like what they've done with the place. Their new "task based browsing" organizes your browsing around tasks. In each task you can start one or multiple sessions (with their own cookies) that each have their own tabs (or tab collections) that you can then check off as you go along. (GIve it a try and it will immediately make sense). Not only is this great for things like social media management or SEO - I've seen some really creative use cases for web devs (i.e. logging into multiple account levels) as well as customer service (log in to different accounts at the same time to troubleshoot) and even sales (you can actually build "Profiles" for different clients) - so any productivity nut like myself is likely to come up with a use case or two. While they're a small team - I know both @larrykokoszka and @catkokoszka (the co-founders) answered a ton of Qs on the 1.0 launch last year and have been actively updating the product ever since so I'm sure they'll be around at some point this time around.
Cat Kokoszka
Thanks so much for the awesome review @sharifkhalladi! We're thrilled to hear that you're liking the 2.0 version of the browser and finding all kinds of useful ways to organize your work 🙌🏼 With Ghost Browser 2.0 we wanted to build a browser that helped people be more productive with a built-in, task-based browsing style. If you're anything like me you're easily distracted and need a better way to organize your work than most other modern browsers provide. We have an incredibly talented team of developers and designers at Ghost Browser and we're very proud of to share the rebooted browser with you! @larrykokoszka and I are excited to answer any questions and can't wait to know what you all think of Ghost Browser 2.0!
@larrykokoszka @catkokoszka @sharifkhalladi Firefox Quantum is one of the best upgrades it has ever received. Managing 200 tabs can be messy on Firefox even now, but this trick helps a bit -
Larry Kokoszka
@arunsathiya Quantum shaves fractions of seconds off of page load speeds, which is awesome. We're pretty proud of the fact that we shave hours off your work week. :)
@larrykokoszka @catkokoszka @sharifkhalladi “based on Chromium - so you can use all your favorite Chrome plugins” YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
This is a really interesting idea. I wish there were a way to import to-dos from Things or another task manager.
Larry Kokoszka
Thanks @andyfossett! That's on the roadmap.
@larrykokoszka sweet! I run my entire life with Things, so that would be killer for me
A *browser* without a Linux version? Shame, was interested in giving this a spin. Being targeted at developers and "power users" and such, it's a little surprising.
Badr Tazi
@cacarr my thoughts exactly ! I have a mac at work but I use ubuntu on it because I have multiple ubuntu servers (it's better to have the same environment in local). This browser would be perfect for me since I'm constantly switching sessions and tabs... too bad :( .
Cat Kokoszka
@cacarr @tazibadr Thanks for your interest and my apologies that we don't have a Linux version for you to play with yet! I'll be sure to include your feedback in team discussions.
@tazibadr @catkokoszka I do quite a bit of WordPress development, and it seems like this would be especially useful. Should I check back in, what, 6 months? A year?
@tazibadr @catkokoszka "I'll be sure to include your feedback in team discussions" Does this mean that you're not yet entirely committed to developing a Linux version? You were in the past. If a Linux version is still planned, this is apparently taking much longer than you thought it would at one point. Curious as to what the holdup is.
Scott Bowler
No Linux version?
Andrea Hill
Yes..... I've definitely looked for something like this before! Looking forward to giving it a try!
Cat Kokoszka
@afhill Awesome! We can't wait to hear what you think!
Tyler Ruby
I came here looking for a "work mode" feature that stops me from browsing Instagram, Reddit, Yahoo, etc. Maybe not fully block, but possibly an alert saying "This doesn't look like work, are you sure you want to visit this website?" would deter people from getting distracted. I wonder if others would like the same feature?
Badr Tazi
Seems like the purpose of this browser is to manage tasks and sessions. For locking specific websites I highly suggest you stayfocusd ( which is a chrome extension.
Cat Kokoszka
@tyleraruby Hi Tyler, thanks for stopping by and asking about this! Ghost Browser is designed to help you organize your work so you can be more productive. It's based on the idea that creating a to-do list before you start working will help you break out your tasks into bite sized, organized pieces which helps you stay focused and get more accomplished. Although we don't currently have the functionality you described, I totally understand wanting to do that. As shown in the screenshots above, you can put distracting websites all in one Task, this way you can check them as you need to by switching Tasks, but they're not just a tab away, which can be very tempting. I can see how a "block access to this Task for X time" feature would be useful for a distractions Task, I'll add that to our feature request list! In the mean time as @tazibadr mentioned there are quite a few solutions out there currently that do just that.
Cat Kokoszka
@tazibadr Thanks for the suggestion! @tyleraruby the Chrome extension that Badr mentioned can be installed in Ghost Browser to give you that extra control you need to stay focused.
Larry Kokoszka
@tyleraruby Tyler, I'm so glad you're thinking this way. Philosophically, you're exactly the kind of person we are building this for. So @tazibadr suggested an extension that would be helpful, but also, the way I do it is with a Task called 'Distractions'. I put all of the tabs in that Task that can possibly pull me away from deep work and commit to only accessing it a few times per day. I was skeptical of this method at first, but it's actually been incredibly helpful. We actually, in this lastest version, pre-load that Distractions task for you as a sample Task. You can see it here: . Just remove the sites you don't use and add the ones that you consider to be distractions. I also include project management and team tools in that task because they are one of the biggest things for me that pull me away from bigger projects. You can read a little more about how to use tasks effectively here:
Karan Rajpal
Loved it! Can't wait to try this out on Linux since my main development machine runs Linux.
Cat Kokoszka
@karan_rajpal So glad to hear it! Linux has been a big request, sorry it's not available quite yet but I've made a note of your request.
@karan_rajpal @catkokoszka While the overall number might not be a high, I strongly suspect that a *far* higher percentage of Linux users would try it out compared to Windows users -- being generally more inclined than your average Windows user to experiment and tinker and whatnot. Also, a higher percentage of Linux users are developers, and Linux users are likely to provide more and better feedback and bug reports than Windows folks.
Crystal Ortiz
Never in the history of browsers did I think I'd have to eventually buy one... let's see what this is all about. *installs*
Larry Kokoszka
@onefreeinternet Thanks for trying it out! We totally get your point about the freemium model. It's a different concept for sure. But also much more affordable than most productivity tools we pay for. With Ghost, we had a choice of trying to productize our users with ads and tracking or using a freemium model so that we are beholden only to our users - not to advertisers. That choice was an easy one for us to make. That said, it's literally pennies per day and our case studies have revealed that time savings is about 2.5 to 3.5 hours per week. Our users can use that time for anything from taking on more clients to spending time with family. One premium user case study revealed that a social media manager went from 10-11 hour days to 8-9 hour days to handle the same clients. So, yeah, the concept of paying for a browser is a little new but if you pit the value of your time vs the value the browser brings rather than the fact that it's a browser, it makes a bit more sense. Thanks for trying it out. We'd love to hear what you think!
Thomas Leitermann
Just installed it and played around a little. Some questions / observations: - 1password does not seem to trust you, shows a refused connection attempt. Until this is resolved I can't switch... - it's very visually disturbing that ghost "flickers" when switching to a new task - why can't I have multiple tasks open? (Especially annoying in conjunction with the flickering issue) - setup is a bit tedious, Onboarding almost none existent... I think I still don't get the tasks thingy completely - UI of Taskbar would require a designer to have a second look - conflicting icon choices, very condensed -> confusing at times... I'll give it another try today, concept still looks intriguing (Especially being able to add chrome extensions!)
Larry Kokoszka
@thomasleiterman Thanks for the feedback! The design of the sidebar is still in a first iteration (including the flicker effect), so your detailed comments are greatly appreciated. I'll share them with the team. For now though, there is a compact and non-compact mode. You can click the AA icon at the top of the sidebar to toggle it. 1Password from the start only supported the major browsers. And by major, I mean not even Opera was supported until the last half of this year. Good news though - we are currently working with the 1Password team on building a glue integration for Ghost so that you will be able to use them together, hopefully soon after the new year. The Task thingy - think of it as a to do list. Except it keeps a tablist for you so you can fire up whatever tabs you need whenever you want without losing the rest of what you're working on. Sorry about the confusion. The on-boarding wizard had to be pulled at the last minute before this release. Here's some more info on Tasks. You can open multiple tasks by using profiles. Since multiple tasks open in one profile would soon turn our code base and your desktop into a big messy bowl of spaghetti, we have focused on making Task switching as fast as possible. Your brain will also appreciate it. The browser was created based on research in productivity and distraction science, which has clearly found that focusing on one thing at a time is going to help you get more done. So the browser leans toward that. That said, sometimes two can be better. (I'm a three monitor guy myself) so you can use profiles to have more than one Task open if you decide to go that way. Here's how: You can also speed up Task switching using our custom QuickTabs extension. It gives you options for how each page is loaded (On click, On becoming Active Tab) so you can tweak that. QuickTabs instructions are here: Thanks again for trying it out and for providing such great feedback.
Thomas Leitermann
@larrykokoszka: - you're right, I was actually looking to open it just twice or threetimes, not more. - re: tasks: From what I understand, the difference to using and ghost for that purpose get smaller and smaller... I think you have something quite specific in mind, but it's hard to see / learn it just from the feature...
Hey guys, I've been using Ghost browser for about a year now and I absolutely love it. This browser is easy to use and very effective. I have a question: is there a way to hide/mask the side bar while watching a video full screen? Huge congratulations to the team and so much gratitude
Cat Kokoszka
@broteinshayke Thanks so much for your support and I'm glad to hear you're liking the new version! You can hide the sidebar completely by clicking the Ghost Menu (where Sessions and Projects used to be managed) and toggling the Show Sidebar option at the top of the menu.
Mahendra Rao
Subscription emails are hitting to my Spam list (kindly check on this) A browser details(any details) should never hit towards Spam or Junk folder list. Also NOOOO Linux package ?? I was shocked as I use Mac and Linux distros

It's hard to understand how they can continue to not have a Linux version.


It solves a real with other browsers for developers, marketers, and other web professionals.


No Linux version -- for a browser ostensibly aimed at developers and other power users.

Emmanuel Lemor
Looks interesting and while I don't agree with Sharif on Firefox Quantum as it has way less problems handling many tabs as Chrome does [hog] - I'm more interested to hear from Ghost Browser on their privacy, security, tracking stance... Are you more like Opera :D and Brave :D or more like Chrome :( ?
Larry Kokoszka
@exlemor Hi Emmanuel. I would say we are not like any of the browsers you listed. Ghost Browser is designed to help make you more productive. That means we strip out the phone home features of Chrome (except for things like search suggestions in the omnibox and safe browsing features to block malicious sites, but you can disable those too). And we have a plethora of anti-fingerprinting and anti-tracking methods implemented because they are needed to support logging into multiple accounts on some sites. That said, we are not aiming to do what Brave is doing. If ad-free browsing is what you seek, then go with Brave. If you want to finish your work faster so you can get on with the other things that matter in life, use Ghost. If you want both, use Ghost plus a Chrome extension like AdBlock. Regarding our internal privacy and tracking stance, we don't track your browsing history. Like the big four do, we track feature usage but only counts of engagements. We never know what sites you visit and will never track your browsing history. We don't sell ads or monetize your data and never will so we don't need to pry.
Rudy Labordus
Has 1password been added yet? I've been hearing 'soon' for a while now.
Larry Kokoszka
@ozmark HI Rudy. Yes, we worked with the 1password team to get this integrated in March. Here is their announcement.