Jordan Lejuwaan

Slash 1.0 - Get more done than ever before with the first DO app.

Slash 1.0 is the culmination of 150+ features and improvements, aimed at helping YOU do one thing: finish your todo list.
Slash is an entirely new type of todo app, so check out the first comment below to get the full scoop!

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Jordan Lejuwaan
Slash pre-launched and got #1 on Product Hunt 1 whole year ago! Since then we've been coding like maniacs to add the features our users voted for most, and some extra fun stuff we dreamed up :) The result is Slash 1.0. A major focus with 1.0 was helping you start your day with greater clarity + focus AND ending your day resolutely when you're done working. **Weekly Mode** Adds a 'This Week' column so you can plan out all your tasks for the week and track your progress (a la Sprint/Kanban). **Start Your Day** When you open Slash in the morning, it will ask you if you want to plan out your day, which clears your tasks from yesterday into 'This Week' and has you drag over the tasks you will work on today. **End Your Day** After you're done working, hit the 'End Day' button to get an uber-satisfying animation crossing off all the tasks you did that day, a progress bar of your tasks for the week, and an invitation to close the app and go have some fun. **Mobile App 1.0** You can now re-order, change lists and schedule tasks on our iOS + Android apps. **150+ other features** Big things to little things that make using Slash more of a joy, including keyboard shortcuts, multi-task selection, resizable focus bar, achievements, new branding, etc. Our mission is to help people make meaningful progress towards their dreams. I would love it if you gave Slash a try and see if it does that for you.
Matt Cyrankiewicz
Excited to share it today guys! Do let us know what you think, Slash is truly shaped by its community :) ❤️
Philip Powis
@jlejuwaan hook me up brother! I remember hearing about this last year, excited to see where you've taken things!
Steven Rueter
@jlejuwaan beautiful product. Congratulations to you and your team!
Cian McCarthy
@jlejuwaan @bootl Was hoping I'd see 'Android' :) Great job guys!
Salman Chishti
Is there a lifetime option? ?makers
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@salman_chishti it's coming! - see our Nolt for our roadmap: :)
Salman Chishti
@bootl Awesome, it's been some time, any ETA?
the kirkyard
Honestly, the only fault I find with the app is its name. Could we slash Slash?
Jordan Lejuwaan
@dimadewinn Haha I love that!
Jordan Lejuwaan
@kirkyard It used to be called Task Slayer, but we wanted something a bit more agnostic :)
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@kirkyard @jlejuwaan kept the heavy guitar vibe though! ;)
the kirkyard
@kirkyard @jlejuwaan How's about full atheistic and call it Shhh?
Pedro Pablo Mora Espinoza
I found his product thanks to Higher Existence, I only had to heard its function once to download it, try it, and I got hooked. Having a functional to do list that is integrated with my computer screen so that I can have the pressure to work on what I set myself out to do that day. I appreciate you guys doing this, a great idea, executed brilliantly, I did not even realized after 2 months that it was pre-launch, haha. I thought it was a finish product but then recently it got updated to 1.0 and I realized, holy shit! it gets better? You people are awesome, I ditch all the Pomodoro clocks, timers and to do list apps for this one, so i am eternally grateful!
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@pedropmora Amazing! Yes we finally arrived to something we were proud enough to call 1.0 :) and following 1.0.3 last night, the 1.0.4 is already coming today with some updates and fixes for reported issues!
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@pedropmora thanks so much for your feedback on Slash! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Mark Lyck
Been using Slash 1.0 for a few weeks. Absolutely love it! I am in that awkward stage where I both do consulting work for another company, while also trying to manage my own business, keep up with investing and of course my personal life. Having tried quite a few "todo" list apps before. I always spend a ton of time setting them up. But I still get distracted in the middle of my day. With Slash, it has a cool "Focus" mode, where the task I'm supposed to be working on is always in my view, and does an occasional "jump" to get my attention. I found that since using Slash I am able to stay more focused on getting my tasks done without getting distracted. And who doesn't love the encouraging Gifs every-time you finish a task? That's just genius! I rarely review or share applications, but this one is absolutely worth it if you are anything like me with tons of things to do, but also tends to get a little distracted sometimes. A+ application, my only 2 wishes for the future is a lifetime subscription and integration with Things 3. ?makers are doing a fantastic job with this application! following:
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@mark_lyck Lifetime is coming :) Things is tricky as it didn't have an API when we looked into it, but we'll check again!
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@mark_lyck thanks for your feedback! Especially since you rarely share those :) Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
yuu yuu
This app has one of the best balances of thoughtful design while allowing customisation and being extremely feature rich. Hoping for a more powerful mobile app as the desktop app is now perfect due to how willing the developers are to take on feature requests and implement them in a thoughtful way. It seems like the people who make this app actually use the app (rare compliment :p). On a serious note, it really helps with focusing esp. with adhd symptoms as the timer is always there to bring your focus back and the app just gets out of the way after the planning stage.
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@yuuyuu Thank you! We've been getting great feedback on what this can do for people with ADHD, however we haven't dived in direction of proving its effects enough yet. It will be great to hear more! Happy we built something you use! :)
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@yuuyuu Thanks for your feedback! Glad you enjoy using Slash. Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Jeffrey Bush
I would not have my job if it weren't for Slash! Here's why: I got slash while working on my PhD, a sweet post-doc/research associate position popped up and I needed to sprint to the finish. The only problem, COVID and working from home had been rough on my productivity and I had TONS to do to finish my dissertation in time to be eligible for the job. SLASH TO THE RESCUE. Slash helped me chunk out projects but unlike other to-do lists, I the timer helped keep me honest about how much time I had been productive in a given day. Slashing 8 hours of (productive) work over 10 hours at the computer or 6 hours of work over 7-8 hours helped make sure I was getting a lot done and not spending all day on email, reading the news, surfing the web or writing product reviews :-). The mild gamification and added accountability are a huge help. But don't take my word for it, give it a try!
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@jeffrey_bush Amazing so glad our app could help! The funny thing is average american is only productive for near 3h during an 8h work day normally, which means 5 hours, of each day, of each working American go to waste on social media, emails etc. Mad! If we only worked 4h/day and took the rest off, we'd be more productive. And that's pretty much our goal, take the distraction away, help everyone be 2x as productive and let them do what they want with their spare time :) Thank you for the note!
Jeffrey Bush
@jeffrey_bush @bootl Totally! I didn't know those stats but that definitely resonates with my experience. Slash was so good for optimizing my efficiency during a busy time, I bet it would be great too for "optimizing" work/life balance too during periods of normal work load.
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@jeffrey_bush Thank you for your amazing feedback! Please contact us at to receive a perk, talk more & celebrate :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Tiago de Vassal
This is the app I have recommended the most. The design is very thoughtful with a lot of good ideas; the creators listen to the users about the most requested features which make it a blast to use. The constant feedback is great for powering through my list of tasks everyday, and helps a lot to avoid procrastination and focus for a long time! In short this is a great idea packed in a great design that really makes a difference
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@t1460 Thank you Tiago! :)
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@t1460 thank you for your amazing feedback! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Joel Falconer
Slash is the tool I've spent years looking for. The following is probably longer the average PH comment and on reflection almost reads like sales copy (I don't know anyone on the team), but whatever. Slash is great. Slash encourages all the behaviors that you already know about from the reams of information you've consumed on task and time management... if only the tools facilitated them seamlessly and didn't require you to make a pot of green tea and read six articles on zen habits and meditate upon your intentions for two hours and then create a series of SWOT analyses and GANTT charts before diving into your first task. For example: Slash encourages you to prioritize your week and day — and not just by giving you a Today view, but by making this a fluid part of its process — and it builds in techniques like Pomodoro and timeboxing to help you get started and get done. Many apps build similar features in, but none of them integrate them well into the workflow itself. You can configure certain tasks to open certain links when you begin, such as your inbox for an email sprint. Including a period of time in the name starts a countdown when you begin the task. This means all those process-y or batch-driven tasks without finite end states (as per best practice GTD methodology) are given one without any extra effort. That's at least four different apps, paper processes, or unfulfilled intentions eliminated from the Unrealistic Workflow of the Ascended Unpressured. Slash is clearly designed in a very intentional way to reduce the friction in your way and allow you to slash through tasks. Most importantly of all, it makes maintaining your context core to how it operates. In an editorial role that's heavy on the tabs, distractions, and a blend of production and management work, my quantitatively not-great working memory is constantly being whacked around like a tennis ball. The best tools for me have always kept the context of my current activity cued in my visual field. Otherwise, yeah, I'm taking care of this thing here that needed to be done at some point, but I have no idea how I got here or what I had set out to do two steps before that. This has only gotten worse as constant attention-seeking has woven itself into the internet's fabric (as I'm sure anyone reading this can attest) and as Slack has inserted itself into our lives like a hemorrhoid. Not an issue with Slash. Whether I look at the menubar or the bottom of my screen, the right mental framing is always at hand. Slash is a tool for real-world use that makes all other task managers look like ivory tower constructions. I've used them all, and quotes from my reviews as a reformed Lifehack writer have done years on some of their homepages. They were all fuzzy approximations of what we thought we needed. Now, I'm jaded enough that I'm not going to tell you that Slash is the be-all and end-all and can't be improved upon, but it's such a step up that it'll have you wondering how we wound up so far afield in this space for so many decades. But not for long, because this app provides the solution, too, and you can forget about all of that and start making up for lost time immediately. Get it.
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@jfalconer So glad you appreciate the Week / Day model! We spent months testing it internally and it had a massive impact on our own workflow, but weren't sure if everyone can adopt it. And man, this really does read great - and better than any promo copy we came up with - we never advertised Slash outside of ProductHunt, but this is inspiration. Thank you! 🙌
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@jfalconer thank you so much for your amazing feedback on Slash! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Lisardo Iniesta
Hey, you, the one who have already tried the thousand productive apps that are in the market, the one who have stayed countless nights watching youtubers reviewing different methods to be focus. I ask you to stop. Stop blaming yourself for spending more time setting your work environment, than actually working: It´s not (completely) your fault. We all have been there. In the oasis of self-development, where books are growing as fast as your To-do list does. It´s the Paradox of Choice. The more options you have, the less free you feel to make the right choice. That uncertainty time is over. After years of comparison between the pros and cons of the different productive apps in the market, I made my best move switching to SLASH. In my opinion, it combines the best of the to-do lists apps with an appropriate focus philosophy. This app rewards your work. It reminds you, in the end of every session or finishing your day, that you are one step closer to your goals. And that’s priceless.
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@lisardo_iniesta_munoz wow, thank you for this feedback! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
I came, I slashed, I conquered. Feeling full on Julius Caesar after using Slash first thing this morning. What a delightful experience. I am usually skeptical of task apps but Slash feels like a keeper. Well done!
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@rkasturi Thank you!
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@rkasturi ... and shared! Great feedback - thank you! Please contact us at to receive a perk, talk more & celebrate :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Victor Gross
I paid for Slash for more the second year a month ago... I've received so much value from it. To me the 2 great features that makes it a killing to do software are : 1/ the ability to add an action with a shortcut from anywhere. It allows me to add stuff to do during calls or meeting, withouth leaving my note taking, so useful... 2/ the ability to focus, never forget a thing and get x2 stuff done The team behind the product is solid, considering the constant feedbacks given by the community. I have see the products grow, really great work guys congrats ps : not paid for this post, real user feedback :)
Jordan Lejuwaan
@vicgrss Thanks Victor!!!
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@vicgrss thank you for your amazing feedback! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
I'm a big fan of Taskade, however, this gives me features I don't care about, now with Slash I have everything I need! Slash is just so brilliant because it is so simple and you understand the program directly. So you can use the full potential of Slash in a few minutes and get started. The occasional reminders are ideal because you don't forget your work. Especially the focus mode is great because it keeps you productive around the clock. The simple design is exactly my style. A to-do app I have been looking for a long time! It's also great that you can see your progress and what tasks you have done. Especially in combination with the statistics mode. But the app wants me to continue with my work, so let's slash it! :)
Jordan Lejuwaan
@philipp4 Taskade is a beautiful app with a huge suite of features. Agreed there. We're also big fans of Things 3. But so far we haven't seen anyone adding in the features we've been experimenting on with Slash. We think that being alive today requires more than a task list -- that's just step 1. Thanks for your comment, Philipp!
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@philipp4 Simplicity is often the key to real productivity :) Thanks for sharing your review! Please contact us at to receive a perk, talk more & celebrate :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
This is one of the best productivity apps I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried a lot of them : Todoist, Taskade, TickTick, ClickUp, Notion, but none of them gave me this level of commitment given by Slash. So congrats guys
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@theomarechall1 thanks for sharing your feedback! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Cody McLain
How can I be more productive? How can I be so busy, yet feel like I accomplish so little? These are questions I've been trying to answer for years, and I've tried just about every Todo/Productivity app on the market and none has consistently come close to helping me with this, until I found Slash 👼 Since I started using Slash a few months ago it has radically helped me to redefine what my day looks like. We all use a Todo app but none of those apps provide a structure to help you get the work done, and that is where Slash is different. It is built around a structure of day and priority planning. It forces you to be realistic with what you can accomplish. If you are having trouble prioritizing they even put in an Eisenhower Matrix and a brilliant Success screen that actually helps me feel more gratitude for myself for getting the work done. I think Slash still has some work to do in terms of notifying me, maybe a background ticking sound or something because my ADHD makes me forget I have a task I'm supposed to be working on sometimes, but overall it's been a game-changer for me and I couldn't recommend it enough. 💪
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@codymclain You can enable sounds in settings :) There's actually quite a lot of hidden little features like this in settings, just play around to make it work best for you! And let us know your feedback! Personally I know we need to improve the sound library too, it's coming
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@codymclain thanks for your feedback! Glad to hear you found Slash useful :) Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Wesley Dela Cruz 🌱
I've been using Slash for almost a month by now and I must say that it's increased my productivity level by helping may stay focused at one task at a time. I've tried different kinds of set-up for my task management using Notion, Microsoft To Do, Todoist, and Things 3. What Slash offers differently is that subtle yet effective way of committing to do one thing at a time. I also enjoy the mini-rewards like I get after finishing a task. I even recommended Slash to the Sales reps who have felt overwhelmed with their volume of tasks to do. If you're the type to do a lot of context-switching in between tasks, Slash will help you fix that habit and encourage you to do MORE by being more mindful and being more focused.
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@wesdlcrz thanks a lot for your review! Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
I must admit I am very erratic when it comes to productivity apps. I was always on the lookout for new apps if even a small detail was wrong or they just didn't deliver the desired productivity benefits. I can't remember how but somehow I found Slash. I gave slash a chance and after the first use I was convinced that this will be my new app when it comes to productivity. The design and concept is based on the idea that it simply leads you to get into a flow and slash one task after another. (There is no more appropriate name for this app :D) Many thanks to Jordan & Matt for this wonderful app. <3
Matt Cyrankiewicz
@henri3 Thank you Henri! Hope you will enjoy 1.0 now and all that's to come too! :)
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@henri3 glad to hear Slash helps you to stay productive! Thank you for your feedback :) Please contact us at to receive a perk and talk more :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.
Sasha Murahovsky
Looks great. I'll try to use it instead of Things for sometime.
Jordan Lejuwaan
@whimsyrum I came from Things 3 as well. We also made a custom function so that if you copy/paste tasks from Things into Slash, it will work seamlessly (since they don't have an API...)
Radosław Misiewicz
How to waste time in 12 steps: 1. wait for inspiration and you will waste a lot of time 2. pass time and do everything yourself 3. think about what people will say as you waste your time 4. live as others want, you will waste a lot of time 5. fear consumes time 6. waste some time complaining 7. not ending the search for help to waste more time 8. you will waste a lot of time to please everyone 9. take time to compare yourself to others 10. repeat the same mistakes wasting time 11. perfectionism will make you a master of wasting time 12. lack of goals and goals I recommend this application with all my heart, it made me waste even more:D. No, no, seriously, TO ONE OF THE BEST APPLICATIONS I HAVE FOUND FOR WORKING TIME TRACKING. I heartily recommend 11/10
Jordan Lejuwaan
@misiewiczradoslaw Wow thank you so much for this comment <3
Ylan Richard
In a world where every todo app keeps on adding features and visual complexity, Slash was brought to it's essential. That's to say: Global command to add tasks, focus mode and satisfying animation when you finish a task. The cherry on top? Cool gifs when you complete a task! 😍😍 They deserve their tagline: the first DO app.
Jordan Lejuwaan
@ylan That is high praise! Thanks so much Ylan
Justyna Cyrankiewicz
@ylan happy to hear you're enjoying working with the Slash app! Thank you for your feedback :) Please contact us at to receive a perk, talk more & celebrate :) looking forward to hearing from you! P.S. Please include your ProductHunt nickname in the email.