Kateryna Ostapenko💙💛

Which book has inspired you the most in your career or personal development?

For me, it was "Grit" by Angela Duckworth that really hit home. I loved how she breaks down the concept of grit — this idea that passion and perseverance are the real keys to long-term success. It’s not just about having talent, but about sticking with your future day in, day out, not just for a week but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality.

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Tim Yang
"The book that has profoundly impacted my career and personal development is 'Mindset: The New Psychology of Success' by Carol S. Dweck. It taught me the power of a growth mindset, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth."
André J
Grit, tenacity, spike. That's the holy trinity of a founder 💪
Eduardo E Sierra
Good question! One book that inspired me lately was Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act: A Way of Being"
Grit is a great book and it's so true! I think the number 1 skill as an entrepreneur is resilience because everyones gna get punched in the mouth at some point. Its about how many u can roll with
Uma Venugopal
The hard thing about hard things, atomic habits, skin in the game, grit