There are two types of consent when it comes to email marketing.
✨Explicit consent ✨
Explicit consent occurs when someone directly tells you that they want to receive marketing messages from your brand.
You can get explicit consent when they:
• Sign up through a form or checkpoint
• Give you their information on an in-person mailing list (in your store or at a booth)
• Opt in to a push notifications through a permission prompt when opening the app
✨Implicit consent✨
Implicit consent is when someone gives you their contact information (e.g., email address, phone number, etc.) but does not explicitly say they want to receive marketing messages from your brand.
For example a customer makes a purchase and provides their email at checkout. They have not explicitly said they want to receive marketing messages from the brand, but it can be inferred that they have an interest in relevant content. In this case, you have their information, but they haven’t agreed to receive marketing communications.
You can get explicit consent when they:
• Converted on a form to download a piece of content
• Agreed to a contract (written or electronic) with you
• Made a purchase in the past 24 months
• Provided a business card with you
• Converted at your ad
• Entered a written contract with your brand
• Are a member of your organization or non-profit volunteer group