Begin considering the budget from the very moment you start thinking about building your house. Develop a realistic idea of how much you can afford to spend and how much it will cost to build a new home. The budgeting phase is really about balancing your wants with a realistic assessment of what you can afford.
We have a long-term roadmap but we focus on highest priority items in 3 month chunks. From there, we identify what will have the biggest impact to put into our weekly sprints.
Basically, we're planning 2 rounds in advance. We're working on product round 1 (the one we're going to launch) right now and we already have many features we will be adding after our release (round 2 and round 3).
Btw, we’re launching in late May. Check out our upcoming PH page:
Our project is called: Effecto. It’s an app for detailed health tracking. Pretty much for everything that is related to your physical or mental health and every daily factor that can affect you.
This has been contentious, but as a rule of thumb, given the scope and size of our company (2 folks) we can be more adaptive, and go quarter by quarter, so 3 months. From my days in big corporate though, a rule of thumb I used was to ask for 33% (1/3) more time than you actually need from the governance committee, tell no one about this except product/project leadership, and go from there. In my experience, underpromise-overdeliver, and things generally take as much time as you say they are going to take. I think there's some "law" that states this in clearer terms