some of the books that are on my list to read in 2023 are:
1: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
2: How to talk to everyone.
3: The Miracle Morning
4: The Psychology of Money
and many more are there.
If you're interested in product growth, you might wanna you check the big bang launch newsletter. We interview founders who ranked top 3 on product hunt and share their launch secrets and strategies in our weekly newsletter.
Some of the guests we recently interviewed include Sveta from Makerbox, Elif from BeforeSunset and Michael from SideProjectStack.
We have compiled a good list here from 80 profitable founders
25 Best Books Recommended by 80+ Profitable Founders -
This will give some good pointers especially around founder/startup ecosystem.
More on the "deep-tech"/math side, I'll be trying to finish Leslie Lamport's "Specifying Systems" (Also called the TLA+ book).
Lamport's TLA+ is used in building many complex distributed systems at AWS.
Am I the only one that just has a goal "I will read X books this year" and buy whatever I like in the store :D I get stressed when I have a list of books because most of the time I get tempted by other books.
Lex Fridman's podcast is really interesting. The way he navigates difficult topics and is always on the lookout to get the best out of his guests is a joy to behold.
Also, he has curated a great reading list for 2023 where he will be reading all classics. That's a handy list to refer to -
Don't really have a specific podcast, but since the product I'm working one ( has something to do with AI, it will probably be a lot of tech podcasts, or more specifically, AI podcasts
Hey Gaurav, and Friends!
I hope everyone is enjoying the start of 2023 like I am!
I would highly recommend the TSX Podcast and MMAP Magazine Newsletter for some great entrepreneurial interviews and articles.
Full disclosure I am the founder of both MMAP Magazine and the TSX Podcast, but I do hear that the content is Amazing! 😁 No but in all seriousness I have provided from what I am told "outstanding interviews" from millionaire and billionaire entrepreneurs that won't disappoint. I've also been told that my interview style is unique, and brings the absolute best out of my interviewee's, but you can judge for yourself. I just do it because I love learning from other people's life experiences, and creating useful content for others.
It's all free so enjoy!
MMAP Magazine Newsletter
TSX Postcast
PH Hunters
PH Hunters
Zero To Founder
AI Link Manager
Decktopus AI
Slingshot Design
Flutin 2.0