What’s your new hobby that you recommend to other people?


I personally love archery, it helps me improve my balance and focus, and of course it's fun to shoot arrows at something, even if it's an empty target.

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I started bouldering recently - it is an awesome combination of physical exercise and a great mental challenge in some cases.
I love painting. When my mood gets off or bored I create something new! That made me happy.
Nauman Tariq
@moon10 I love painting as well, in fact I want to be an artist at a young age :) Do you mind sharing what you paint with us?
@naumanthanvi I'm glad to hear that you love painting! Being an artist can be a rewarding and fulfilling career. Basically Im not professional, its my hobby. I paint nature, 3D art , calligraphy and so on.
Brenna Donoghue
@moon10 Agree. I find that I don't have a lot of time to paint these days, and the idea of starting a new painting was becoming daunting, so I have switched to using inks. It's amazing how much fun and relaxing it is, as well as using a completely different part of my brain.
Learn to brew your own coffee, It's meditating really
@alara_akcasiz I have been doing it for atleast a year now and it definitely is meditating. I look forward to it and I am such a coffee enthusiast now, I read about coffee a lot of times :)
@alara_akcasiz I can absolutely relate. Every morning I get exited for my coffee. Its a ritual and i really enjoy it!
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Playing chess
Undral Amarsaikhan
Washing dishes. Might be little bit old-schooled, but sound of water will free your thoughts and give you much-needed calmness.
Derek Spillane
Learning to play the guitar - it is such a great way to enter flow state and incredibly satisfying everytime you're able to learn to play something you've been practicing for a while!
Rebecca Tany
I would recommend fishing, just love the peace to sit beside the river
Might Wilson product
Singing can be a great way to express emotions, both good and bad.
Arthur Valatin
Sunset photography is what I recommend
Kayode Odeleye
Long distance running! it's great for decompressing from the pressures of running a startup
Andy Pagès
Sculpting! It's incredibly fun, relaxing, meditating, and there's really something about bringing a character (or anything else) to life with your own hands!
Jitendra Pal
Writing articles, answering quora questions and participating in online discussions.
cooking - trying to get from home hobo to restaurant (fraction of the price) quality food. Failing a lot but also great patience excercise
Moeen Mahmud
I am making toy electronics and rovers! I recently discovered Jhonny 5 (a JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework). It's fun to experiment with and makes it easier for web devs.
Sakshi Gahlawat
Reading books! You can learn things, be surprised at new ideas, always have something to do, and have things to talk about.
Mark Nicoll
Check out Jess in Tokyo https://www.instagram.com/jessin...
Nikolay V. Krasko
Watchmaking is my main hobby, specially for mechanical watches 19XX.
Vijay Singh Khatri
Read the founder's voice over LinkedIn and Product Hunt.What they talk to you about in regards to their product launch and their day-to-day work-life balance thing
Janusz Mirowski
If you have a small child as I do (3 years). I recommend you puzzles - he's loving them, we can do it together, and it is fun time without TV/YT. First, puzzles can be a fun and enjoyable way to pass the time. They can be a great source of relaxation and stress relief, as they provide a sense of accomplishment when completed. Additionally, puzzles can help improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as they require you to think carefully and pay attention to detail in order to solve them. Puzzles can also be a great way to socialize and connect with others, as they can be done with friends or family members. Finally, puzzles can be a great way to exercise your brain and keep it sharp, as they can help improve your memory and cognitive function.
Angie Pena Podrez
yin yoga