True Human Interaction...and spontaneity of conversations. We all see to have to "interrupt" each other to get some attention. As a manager at a Fortune 50 company, I struggle with getting interaction in meetings. OMG, don't get me started on constructive conflict - its like everyone's nice-button is stuck in the On position... Nobody seems to want to disagree with anyone.
@denrayger ok i get your point ,But true human interaction still doable in remote settings , i have been in alot of meetings where in person settings , however managers struggled to getting interaction from attendees , and this could be for lots of reasons like motivation to participate , fear of saying things that could be end their employment or add more tasks to their plates ....etc.
it's n't a in-person or remote issue , it's more of managerial and motivational issue.
@laithrafid 😣 ouch…fair point. But, I also find it has to do with personality (a team full of introverts can be challenging to coax out into the light). Also, lots of Zoom fatigue and a heckuva lot of bad multitasking in all the virtual meetings.
@denrayger yes agree on zoom fatigue , however once things go back to normal and kids go to schools ... lots of people will miss their life working remotely with all savings and commutes, a new wave of remote/hybrid and resignations that would be shock wave to corporations all over the world
The only thing that I miss in remote working is companionship because at the end of the day we need people around with whom we can talk and share. No matter how much comfortable remote working is, you always need people.