Angela Dickinson

What's the best EOY marketing campaign you've seen?

I don't want to alarm anyone, but in less than 2 months it will be 2023! Which got me thinking: Which end-of-year marketing campaigns do you love? Are there any that you look forward to seeing each year?

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Angela Dickinson
I always love receiving Spotify Wrapped. Perfect combination of data personalization and delight!
Gary Zurnamer
This is alarming! But +1 for Spotify
Jonathan Nass
Came here to say Spotify Wrapped, but you beat me to it. To me, it's so far beyond any other end-of-year campaign. It'll be interesting to see who and in which ways other apps try to copy this. Thinking there could be something cool there for Doordash, airlines maybe? Mint has tried to implement one that talks about your wins in spending/saving for the year, but I've always found it to be pretty lackluster.
Angela Dickinson
@jonathan_nass Can anything beat it? It's the ultimate conversation starter. There's definitely a lot of opportunity for those brands - although I'm not sure I want a reminder of how many times I've had takeaway this year (or how much I've spent!). That campaign could have the reverse effect on people especially around New Years resolution time ;)
The Bottle" campaign I think. Whether you want to learn more about personal finance or trade Stocks, Currencies, Commodities and Indices our guides will help you.
Talia Bender
Spotify wrapped for sure! But I do have to say I love the advent calendars that consumer goods and luxury brands have been coming out with for the past couple of years. They are huge conversation starters and the influencer unboxings on TikTok get millions of views and obviously tons of engagement :)
Angela Dickinson
@taliambender Oh absolutely, they're so popular aren't they! If it's one I would potential buy, I try to avoid watching an unboxing as I want to keep the surprise element each day of an advent calendar, On the flip side, an unboxing can help you decide if you actually want and will use the items so I'm torn!
Elizabeth Obee
John Lewis, a UK department store is my absolute favourite. It's not a SaaS example but a good reminder to connect emotionally with our audience - they're always full of end-of-year reflection and emotion! High end production, but you could definitely produce lovely, emotive eoy content at a fraction of the time and cost with your employees or customers.
Angela Dickinson
@liz_obee I saw this year's ASDA ad with Will Ferrell on the weekend and it made me remember how amazing all the department and grocery store's EOY campaigns were in the UK. I used to love it when they came out every year, they do it well!