Tanya Jeon

What’s the best design app?


A lot of people I know use the Figma for design now, especially for UI/UX design. It’s easy to use, there’s a lot of different stuff, and it’s pretty easy to figure out. But I’ve also heard about Sketch and Zeplin as good alternatives to Figma. So what’s the best solution for design right now for newbies, as well as advanced?

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Abhishek Shree
Love Excalidraw
Shubham Pratap Singh
I have used Zeplin and it's also awesome.
Philip Snyder
I think it really depends on what kind of design you're looking to do. Figma is a great choice for UI/UX design, but if you're going for something more artistic, Sketch or Adobe Photoshop might be better suited. If you're looking for an all-in-one design solution, Adobe InDesign is probably the be
Sanjay Somashekar
For all the designs we use Canva. It is simple to use and consumes less time than required! I don't think it compares with Figma, though it is extensively used by our product team!
Saurabh Wadhawan
Figma is the future.
Richard Gao
Canva is pretty good, but it might serve different design purposes than Figma. It's more for sizing social media posts and banners so they fit the acceptable format
sowmya k s
I think it depends on what type of design you are looking to do.
Jasper Ruijs
Figma and for UI animation Framer.
Nancy Nishi
I always use Canva . It's simple and easy to use .
Rachee Jacobs
Definitely Figma, hands down.
Megan Osting
Lopez Henry
Alight Motion is a very good apk app, I downloaded it at https://xoyxoy.com/
Thasleema Samad
Артем Уткин
For the real development of children, I would recommend printable learning games the best games can be found on https://wunderkiddy.com/category... are a lot of useful games and information in principle
Fabio Di Leta
I think Figma it's hard to beat. The learning curve for new adopters is not steep at all, and it also provides support for more advanced uses. Collaboration is at the core of their platform in Figma and FigJam really powering teams' activities. Their community platform is great, a lot of examples/templates ready to use, and the plugins layer is extremely powerful and extensible
Destiny Kuhlman
Canva is the best
Co Wang
Octavian Codrea
Imma say Figma for now, until it gets swallowed up completely by the Creative Cloud.
Shamika Shirke
The best design app depends on your design needs. Popular apps include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, and Procreate.