The future is coming, and sooner than you think. Technology is rapidly enhancing, offering innovations and rebellious projects every year.
What, according to you, awaits us? Share your ideas or the trends and changes that society will learn?
I hope this is coming - clean energy solutions for industrial applications. This is badly needed. EVs sound cool but it is industrial pollution that really needs to be brought under control!
I see lot of change in the financial systems by way of crypto currency as well.
Augmented reality also will have massive application.
@adityasinghrajput This can't happen without a better financial system Aditya, the way a particular good or service is valued today is being affected by so many things unrelated to that particular good or service - i think this is an area in which crypto currency can help.
Innovations have the potential to shape our future.
1. Emotional Artificial Intelligence.
2. Self driving cars.
3. New mobility innovations such as hyperfast trains.
4. Smart Homes.
Empathetic, Responsible Artificial Intelligence: An AI that understands you and creates a healthier world, rather than drives you towards addiction and polarization.
I think the most important innovation is plant-based meat alternatives especially the mass adaption in Singapore. You can check the article below:
As we all know meat industry is one of the most polluting industry destroying environment and increasing global warming. A study shows that meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production.😥