If you have got the right product in your baggage, I don't see how choosing any day of the week would impact its success. By the way, which product are you launching?
As soon As your product is ready :). Compare Brokers is a team of qualified professionals that provide advice on how to manage money and assets efficiently.
Hi Jennifer, there is no perfect time, but mid of the week (Tuesday - Thursday) is recommended when most of the audience is online. Also, 12:01 am - 1 am pacific time is best time. I am curious which product your are launching ? Best of luck
depends on what you want to get out of your launch really. you need some supporters to help get your product near the top, if you don't have any then launching on thursday it's likely you'll be near the bottom. on weekends, even though less exposure, you can make it towards the top with less supporters that would be needed for a mid-week launch
looks like i'm already subscribed to your upcoming page. i'm launching on Monday. check out producthunt.com/upcoming/trade-hub-3
Hey Jennifer! 👋
Good question.
As a rule of thumb, Tuesday-Thursday is the best time of the week to go live. More specifically, its recommended to launch at 12:05am PT; launching at this time makes sure you are on the trending section and are visible throughout the day. ⏰
I wrote about this and a few other tips in a recent article on how we got Product of the Day, Week and Month for SigmaOS:
Good luck with your launch!
Well, on Thursdays there is lot more traffic than usual days but there is bigger competition as well. So, if you want to reach more people you may launch on Thursdays. But, you will have a bigger competition. If you want to have low competition launch on weekends but reach may be low.
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