Pranab Buragohain

What is the biggest risk you've taken as a founder?


For me, it was putting in all savings into building my 1st startup, not really knowing if it would take off πŸ˜…

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Defi Dexter
I quit my well-paid full-time job and started my own startup with zero capital. Somehow I survived and the startup went well. I guess it’s the power of human survival instinct. πŸ˜‚
Pranab Buragohain
@defidexter Haha that's awesome! You said it, life definitely has a way of working out. Thanks for sharing.
Vlad Golub
Wow, that takes a lot of courage! How did you manage the uncertainty and potential loss?
Pranab Buragohain
@realvladgolub I guess uncertainty and potential loss is what keeps many from taking the plunge. Most times, it's a decision taken impulsively (like in my case), more than practicality. Amid all the sanity, a little insanity is required, for things to take off πŸ˜…
Vlad Golub
@pranabgohain Absolutely agree! Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and hope for the best. And hey, a little bit of insanity never hurt anyone πŸ˜‰πŸš€
Richard Gao
Just starting in general, though I'm not sinking any significant savings into it at all I don't take many big risks πŸ˜…
Pranab Buragohain
@richard_gao2 Very cool! Whatever works. To each, his own, really πŸ˜…. Congrats on a successful PH launch btw!
Richard Green
I sold a tour company I had last August. The plan was to begin building a product and market this. What a decision that was. I am now 7 months later and we have two - one based on AI for the travel trade (custom coded) and the other is built on Bubble. We haven't generated any income in this time so certainly challenging times. However, as many on here have said, the strongest survive. Hopeful on a PH launch soon for our Email project to kick it into action.
Pranab Buragohain
@rtg123 Amazing story! At the end, it's all about the hustle and giving it your best. I'm sure you'll have a great PH launch. Thanks for sharing, and all the very best πŸ’ͺ🏼
HyunGun Jung
Quitting my full-time job, founding a startup, and getting married all in the same year...
Hossein Yazdi
Nice question Pranab! I think undoubtedly the biggest risk I've taken was quitting my job (which I didn't like but needed it) for working on I hope it pays off :)
Pranab Buragohain
@hosseinyazdi Thanks, Hossein. Aren't most of us just doing things we don't like, through our lifetime. Congrats on taking the plunge. I'm sure Branition will smash it. Good luck!
Karthik Tatikonda
Quit my job and building my startup on my savings. Donno, how this will go but love the freedom.
Vlad Zivkovic
I quit my marriage and divorced my wife for the sake of my startup ( Which eventually failed). πŸ˜‚
MΓ©lodie Girardo
Leave everything behind to become a founder ! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Hustle Guy
For me, it was quite France, and coming to the USA 2 years ago.
Brandon Scott
My co-founder & I are using all profits from all of our revenue streams to fund our startup. (a decent amount but were not talking huge amounts here) Ngl its scary, but at the same time it really gives us that extra drive, as everything is on the line.
Pranab Buragohain
@skillprepare That's inspiring, Brandon. Nothing like bootstrapping your own business. No greater validation. Congrats!
Niroshan Ranapathi
Nice question
Hugo DEVEZE πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
Not being clear at beginning with myself about what I was ok or not to lose. Risk because, without defining the limit, I've been limited. I was going far and getting nowhere in the same time. Defining a frame at beginning can be the best way to go so far