Christian Lowe

What has your experience been with discrimination?

All too often in my life, I have been told directly that I will not receive the same service as others because of the color of my skin. That's why today, my team and I are proud to announce that we launched our app, The Green Book Project, on Product Hunt today. We built this because we believe that we can use tech to create a more inclusive and equitable world for all. So, PH community, what has your experience been with discrimination? And do you think our app can help you stay safe in the future?

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Scott Carson
Experiencing discrimination can cause children and young people to have negative perceptions of their ethnicity, race, culture, appearance, gender or sexual orientation.
Ansa Edim
I'm so excited about this launch! What an amazing (and necessary) product. There are many stories I can share, but one that comes to mind from years ago when I was a kid. I had a doctor's appointment that my mom pulled me out of school for. She worked 6-hour work weeks with a family of 6 and somehow still found time to drive us around and be a super mom. When we got to the doctor's office, it was closed. We waited about half an hour while my mom paced in her business suit and heels. Finally, the door opened and an elderly woman let us in. My mom explained that we had an appointment and the woman looked us up, only to tell us that we were a day early. "But," she said, "if you need to be seen today, I can see if I can get a nice "afro" doctor for you." My mom was shocked and appalled and she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of there. As a child, I wasn't quite sure what had happened, but I can't imagine what it might have felt like for my mother to be told that by a white woman. Living in Virginia, there were many times when I wished I'd had an app like The Green Book Project. Knowing where is safe to travel, eat, stay, shop, and just exist as part of a marginalized community is still necessary. I'm grateful for apps like this that help us hold businesses accountable and build community.
Christian Lowe
@ansa_edim you're experience as a kid is all too familiar to me. I can recall similar incidents while growing up in Texas that mirror yours. It's my hope that with The Green Book Project, we can finally make discrimination a thing of the past
Selena Brown
Large majorities of blacks across all major demographic groups say – at some point in their lifetime – they have experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly because of their race or ethnicity, including similar shares of men and women, young and old, and those with higher and lower incomes. Money Accounts mission is to save people money and help people navigate the complicated world of consumer finance.
Raju Sivaram
Experiencing discrimination has been an eye opener as ignorance causes people not to respect fellow human beings. I believe awareness around this should increase to bring humanity to be a kind and pave a path for our kids
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
When travelling to certain countries I've faced some 'looks', you know. But overall my home country is a safe haven for me, as well as Canada where I live right now. Very inclusive society. Of course there are some junkies and jerks everywhere, but overall Canada is great. I just avoid some countries or states that I know are known to be not very welcoming for foreigners. P.S. Congrats with the launch! Great cause!