@atticusli That sounds incredibly helpful, Atticus! Simplifying the job hunt journey is crucial. How does your product specifically streamline this process?
BTW, good luck on your upcoming launch!
@konrad_sx Thanks for sharing, Konrad! I've just check it out, App Finder sounds like a valuable tool for discovering Android apps and games. Exciting to hear about the expansion to iOS!
With our latest product, we turn remote workers in deeply connected crews. We developed a all-in-one platform for corporate culture in a remote world too in the last two years. What does your startup?
@marvin_maendle Marvin, that sounds fantastic! Creating a sense of connection among remote workers is so important. Our startup focuses on revolutionizing task management for remote teams. What is your product name?
BTW, good luck with your upcoming launch!
Our tool Collabwriting allows multiple users to collaborate on any content found online. 😁
You can:
-Save any quotes, ideas, and references
-Create a sharable and searchable system
-Receive feedback and collaborate with your team
Greetings! We've developed an AI-powered presentation design tool called Wonderslide that makes it easy to create slides quickly.
One standout feature that I find particularly appealing is the ability for users to customize presentations based on their brand's corporate identity.
You can check it out at https://wonderslide.com/. Feel free to share your feedback!
Have you tried or perhaps had someone played Motion Tracking games on Xbox Kinect / Nintendo Switch? For us, We help people to get motivated when working out using AI Motion Tracking too! You can check it out here:
Hey there! Gurkaran Singh here, the tech-savvy problem solver you've been looking for. In a nutshell, my product/startup is all about harnessing the power of data science and embedded programming to create innovative solutions across various industries. Whether it's edtech, supply chain, accounting, or government projects, I've got the skills and the hustle to make things happen. So, if you're ready to take your tech game to the next level, look no further!
Robomotion RPA
Biteme: Calorie Calculator
App Finder
Robomotion RPA
Robomotion RPA